
Chapter 21 - Finally the festival and the big show in the Arena

I walked the streets of Ionia with a huge smile on my face, my eyes sparkled and my heart rejoiced with every step I took. Every minute that passed, something happened that became another reason for my smile to grow and my happiness to increase. I ended up seeing some scenes of joy, happiness and celebration among the people, every look I gave them and their joy, I got emotional. I also saw that everyone was going to the same place, with the same intention and emotion, everyone was going to the arena, to see the long-awaited celebrations of that festival.

I looked around, euphoric and anxious, even though it was almost time, it still seemed to take a long, long time.

I saw families and friends all walking together, laughing and talking. I saw a woman with a child in her lap, she was with her husband at her side. They played with the child and everything, the woman was young and had long red hair, she reminded me a lot of Katarina, and that was more than enough for me to feel even happier, but also for me I felt a pang of longing in my chest when I saw it.

Then Yasuo took my hand lightly and spoke close to my ear.

-If you want, I love children. -He smiled then.

I couldn't hold the blush from my cheeks.

-Idiot. -I mumbled and squeezed his hand while looking away.

People started to interact and we started laughing at the nonsense and antics they said and did. Wukong and Ahri made gestures, faces and mouths and a lot of clowning for us, which got a lot of laughs from Syndra. We talked and admired the beauty of that city, I saw how Syndra was delighted with the festival, she was as in awe of it as I was. Despite knowing the city, she had never seen the city in a party mood.

-It's all so beautiful, everything so... -Syndra said as we climbed a hump. In this, I, who admired the city lights, stopped to complete his sentence.

-So alive. -I completed the sentence with a smile on my face as I stood beside her. -You look gorgeous Syndra.

-Same Riven. -She smiled back. - Your soul is lighter than ever. Me and anyone else can feel it. -She made a little caress in my hair.

-Thank you Syndra. I am very happy that you are here with me, on this very special night! -I hugged her.

-Come on! I am here at all times. And as far as I know, you will be very close to me from that night on! So I'll see you whenever I want. -Syndra gave me a frown and a mischievous smile. -And don't just thank me, thank the handsome here too. Because if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here tonight. -Syndra gave a wink as she disentangled herself from my embrace and put her hands on Zed's shoulders.

Meanwhile, I was still trying to understand what Syndra had said about me living next to her.

-Oops! Did you say beautiful? Zed asked as he approached and placed his hand on Syndra's waist.

-That's right! -Syndra smiled in a mischievous way and looked at his hand then.

Yasuo and I looked at each other quickly and made that smirk and the "Today has." look.

I thought of a few words and finally went to thank Zed for the opportunity.

-Thanks ZEDÃO! THANKS TO YOU, SHE'S GOING DOWN ON THIS BEAUTIFUL FESTIVAL NIGHT AND I'M GOING TO DRINK A LOT WHILE IT HAPPENS! -I spoke and showed him my fist, he hit and we did a funny finish for the touch. Then Syndra slapped me on the arm.

I looked at her with an ass face as I rubbed the "wound".

-Don't speak his name out loud Riven! They might recognize him, and that's going to get in trouble if they find out who he really is. -Syndra reprimanded me as she came closer to me with that serious face and few friends.

I stuck my tongue out at her. she rolled her eyes

-WORTH IT THUMBS!-I said while showing the thumb to Zed and looking at him with a smile, completely ignoring what Syn had said.

-THUMB! -Yasuo showed his thumb to Zed, he had joined the game too.

-THUMB! -Zed accompanied the game.

-For the love of God. Are you retarded?-Syndra spoke while rolling her eyes again.

-Do the thumb too love!-Zed said while showing the thumb to Syn and caressed her face with the same.

-Love? -Syn raised his eyebrow.

-That's right. Love. Shows the thumb. -He smiled.

Syndra felt defeated to see that everyone was pulling their thumbs, but I think what had really won her had been Zed's words.

-It's ok. THUMB! -She showed her thumb.

We celebrated that Syndra had shown her thumb and headed for the arena.

-What will happen in the Yasuo arena?-I asked him and forgetting a little about Syndra and the others.

-From what Zed said, this is a festival of truce between some nations. They must be preparing something, that's why they held this event, even because at this time there is no celebration. The autumn festival must be over and in a while they should start preparing for the winter festival.

-You like to celebrate the seasons. Because? -I asked.

-Each season has its beauty and meaning, in this, we celebrate each one with its meaning of representing the phases of life. Summer means birth, spring means growth or reproduction, autumn means aging, and finally winter means death. But every season brings its good and bad, its beauties and memories, as well as life.

-It's amazing to think like that. I never imagined something like that. -I spoke while looking at Yasuo.

-Well, lucky I still remember something. Usually Zed and I would skip those temple classes. -Yasuo laughed.

-We stole fruit from a woman who lived near the temple, hid in the old woman's orchard and spent the afternoon there. -Zed spoke to Yasuo as he leaned his body in front of Syndra to join the conversation.

-It was good when we did that, except when Yone ratted on us. There was problems with the old people in the temple. -Yasuo said.

-That idiot. I miss him, but I confess I would love to make him swallow one of those wonderful old apples. - Said Zed.

-I miss him too. -Yasuo spoke a little sad. -He always denied the apples we brought him. I think he was too good a man to accept apples stolen from an old woman's orchard.

-True, that bastard patriot. -Zed laughed. -He only knew how to make fun of us and the girls. You couldn't kid other people, no, you couldn't do that, it could only be people. What fun was it? The coolest thing was to provoke the kids at the school and people from other streets. -Zed completed.

-How much love for him, my God! -I spoke

-We loved him, that's why we talk like that. -Yasuo replied while giving me a wink.

-You would love to meet him. – Zed told me and Syndra

-And why can't we meet him? -I asked innocently looking at them.

I saw Syndra suddenly choke and I ended up getting worried and turned to help her.

"Okay, Syn?" I said as I put my hands on her.

-Everything. - She coughed. -I just choked. -She coughed again.

-It's just that he died in a battle. -Yasuo spoke calmly, but sad.

-Oh, sorry for asking, I really had no idea what had happened. -I said a little embarrassed, that answer was almost a slap in my face.

-No problem. -He took a deep breath. - See, we're almost to the arena. -Yasuo said as he indicated the arena.

And really, that whole conversation had distracted me so much that I had gotten to the point where I couldn't pay attention to that huge arena in front of us. Also, I had barely noticed that Ahri and Wukong were no longer with us.

-Where is Ahri and Wukong? -I asked when I realized that the hybrids were no longer on our side.

-Coming there. -Syndra pointed forward.

And as she said, there came the beautiful little fox running and jumping, being followed by the monkey that sometimes couldn't stand her rush.

-SONA WILL PLAY DURING THE FESTIVAL! - She said euphoric amidst the jumps.

-Serious? -I asked. –I once heard your music, by chance of course. I had never felt my soul so calm and peaceful as that time. Your music is sweet and smooth, probably the most beautiful melody I've ever heard in my life. -Said while looking at them.

Ahri's little eyes sparkled.

-What beautiful words Riven. Are you reading the hidden dictionary? -Syndra asked and everyone laughed at the bad joke.

-Hey Syndra, go take it up your ass! Before I forget to send you. - I told her and made that mocking face next.

-But it was really cute the way you talked about Sona's melody, Riven. A little more and goes to the music academy to be a judge. -Zed said while showing his thumb.

-Thanks big toe. -I showed the thumb.

-But when did you hear her music? -Ahri asked.

-In Piltover. She gave a presentation the night I landed there, as I ended up sleeping in the street, I ended up listening to the music coming from the stadium. -I spoke to her.

-Did you sleep on the street too? What good thing! -Yasuo said.

-The art of being a beggar nobody dominates more than me! – I puffed up my chest to speak.

They laughed.

-She really masters this art. -Said Syndra.

-Bitch. -Told her.

-Dirty mouth.

-I really am. -I gave that smile. -That night I slept on the street by chance of life, ok? When I landed there, I couldn't find a small, cheap hotel that was open, it was either the big, expensive hotels, or the street. So, as I don't shit money, I slept on the street.

-Our. -Zed said while hiding a laugh.

"Do you know which nations will participate in the event?" Yasuo asked while changing the subject.

-Well, from what we hear at the entrance, representatives of Demacia, Piltover, Bandle City, it seems, and Noxus will be present here. -Wukong replied.

-Noxus? Why would they attend an event like this? -Zed asked.

"Swain is up to something." It was the only thing I could think of when Wukong said that.

-I do not know! -Wukong replied to Zed and we returned to the walk.

And finally we had reached the front of the so-called arena of Ionia. The arena was circular and had big walls, probably those walls were big to accommodate a big bleacher. In front of the large arena, there was a fountain, probably made to be a meeting point or just an ornament, it was big and on top of the water that had formed under the fountain, there were lanterns that floated on top of the water, it they were shaped like flowers.

-What a beautiful place! -Syndra said. -Everything is completely decorated and lit.

-You did not see anything yet. -Ahri said.

People were all piled up to go through the large iron doors that led to the center of the arena, many were holding bags, flags and even some lanterns, I didn't understand what they were for, but they were making the place very beautiful and decorated. We entered through the giant iron doors that had beautiful designs and carved marks in gold and red. The corridor was not very long in length, but it was quite spacious in width, it was lit by some lanterns that were attached to the ceiling and just ahead was the opening to the arena. In front of the entrance there were two men handing out little flags to the people heading to the stands.

I took a small red flag with a black handle and followed the people who were already starting to climb the stairs to the bleachers, the stairs were next to the men delivering the flags, in front of the gate we entered a little further on, already you could see the big stage set up, people who arrived earlier were able to sit right in front of it, to see the presentation up close.

I started up the stairs and every now and then I turned to take a look at the stage and around it. The stage was huge, had lots of lights and spotlights on its edges, the stage had big curtains in a very dark red tone. From what I saw, almost all the other stands were full, except for ours and the one next to us. I saw countless families with huge smiles on their faces, I saw friends playing and having fun, I saw elderly couples sitting alone and some others with their grandchildren and family, it warmed my heart in such a good way that I started to want even more to build a family. .

We climbed to the last row of the bleachers and sat in the corner. We continued talking while we waited for the rest of the bleachers to fill up for the big show to begin.

Before long the remnants of the stands filled to capacity, and even the ground near the gate was filled with people. Upon realizing that everything had filled up, all the lights in the arena suddenly went out, and only the big stage was lit with a dim light coming from its edge to illuminate that area. Suddenly its big red velvet curtain was focused with lights and spotlights aimed only at her, focusing only on the middle of the stage. Little by little, the big curtain was opening slowly, giving a view to a big stage, and in the middle of this big stage, there was a thin and small woman, she had silver hair held in a ponytail, her face was covered by a white mask, with colored and red accents. His outfit was white and red, I think it must have been something related to some Ionian legend.

-Is this outfit part of some legend?-I asked softly to Yasuo who was sitting beside me.

-Yea. It's about the legend of the bloody moon, it's a well known legend around here, but I don't know much about it. So another time, if I find out more about it, I'll let you know. Can be? -Yasuo whispered softly while not taking his eyes off the stage.

-Okay, no problem. Did you skip this class too? -I whispered back and smiled.

Yasuo just chuckled and smiled back. Apparently, I was right.

Meanwhile on stage, the woman started to move and make strange gestures with her arms. Then she walked to the front of the stage and started talking.

-For a long time, the nations of Valoran have been warring for power, strength, fortune and more. Some who were our allies fell apart, went to darker sides and their nation declined over the years, others froze our connections and forgot us, others preferred technology, science and chemistry instead of accepting the peace in which we offered the they. Only two, out of many nations, remained with us. THIS NIGHT, IONIA RECALLS HER ALLIANCES! WE AND THE CHOSEN NATIONS TODAY, WILL TRANSFORM VALORAN INTO A CONTINENT THAT RUNS TOWARDS PEACE AND HOPE, THAT RUNS IN SEARCH OF BETTER TIMES, THAT RUNS IN SEARCH OF A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL! NO UNFAIR WARS AND DEATHS. TONIGHT. IONIA, YORDLE LAND, DEMACIA, PILTOVER, ZAUN, FRELJORD AND NOXUS. THEY WILL FORM AN ALLIANCE, WHICH WILL MAKE EVERYONE GROW AND PROSPER IN THE FUTURE.

Just as the woman said her last sentence, some fireworks went up around the stage.

I don't know why, but there was something there that bothered me. Noxus and Zaun signing an alliance with Ionia? Towards peace? He can only be kidding. It was almost impossible for such a thing to happen, today or five hundred years from now, let alone with Swain in charge. That old strategist sure had something there.

Everyone applauded the woman who bowed and announced.


The lights went out and the woman disappeared.

-There are so many emotions and news on this night, that it even feels like I'm using drugs! –I spoke to the staff

I saw Yasuo and Zed hold back their laughter, but Zed ended up laughing, Syndra looked at me like a pot.

-Your comparisons are very good Riven, congratulations! -She said with a guy who wanted to laugh but couldn't.

I smiled and went back to watching the show.

A typical circus music started to play, a light came on in the middle of the stage, a very small and thin woman appeared, her clothes were light blue and her clothes had other details in white, some like snowflakes. His hair was white and was held back by a huge braid, on his head, it seemed, that would be a helmet, which was hiding his eyes by the way. Then another light came on, however, it was at the other end of the stage. And in this other light that had turned on, another female figure appeared, she had black caps and was wearing something like armor, but her clothes seemed to be pretty flexible somehow. His face was painted white and had some drawings in black.

"I understood!". I thought. Each artist represented a nation.

I waited for all the members to enter the stage and waited to see what happened next. And really I was right, each member represented a nation. They made some gestures and started their presentation. Hanging over the stage frames, two trapezoids descended from there, and from there, they started their show.

The artists thanked and said goodbye. The stage again lowered its beautiful curtains and left only a few dim lights illuminating the huge curtain. It wasn't a very long set, but it was full of glitz, stunts, dances and beautiful costumes, I honestly wanted one of those outfits, really. They were wonderful.

-I love the clothes. -Said Syn.

-I've never seen so much shine in so few clothes. -I said ahri.

-I want to go to a circus. -I spoke

-They don't need an elephant for these performances. -Yasuo spoke in my ear and gave that mocking laugh.

-I think they forgot a clown here in the stands. Why don't you go back to your circus? Asshole! -I snapped and gave that mocking smile.

-I would rather have stayed quiet and slept without this one. -Zed said to Yasuo and then laughed.

-Then the guy is without a woman and he doesn't know why. Then I'm the monkey! -Wukong said.

-Shut up. The next show is about to start. -Yasuo spoke sullenly.

-She was still sad. Zed slapped his hands on his thigh. - Don't be sad man, we love you. -Zed made a heart for Yasuo.

After seeing that beautiful circus performance and listening to Yasuo's unnecessary comment, we spent about ten minutes waiting for the next performance.

Suddenly, the stage was completely dark, we heard the sound of the curtains opening and a faint light of pink and light blue tones appeared in the middle of the stage, the light pulsed slightly and soft music started to play and echo lightly through the arena.

-IT'S HER! -Ahri shouted euphoric.

-Shut up Ahri! -Wukong complained as he pinched the little fox who looked at him with a sly countenance for him.

Suddenly, an electronic table with lights and big speakers appeared floating above the big stage. The music started to shake, at that, the colors of the table changed, and so, in that moment when the colors changed, Sona's famous chuquinhas appeared. They glowed in shades of green and blue this time, they floated beautifully as the music played. The lights all blinked in time to the music, both on the table and on Sona's clothes and hair. She was wearing a helmet and a tight-fitting outfit, Sona looked beautiful. Her music was agitated this time, she masterfully commanded her table, thus making a beautiful spectacle for the people.

Syndra's eyes were shining when she saw that light show. As the rhythm of the song got faster and more exciting, more lights started to come on on stage and around it, it was an explosion of beautiful lights and music. I was amazed at how beautiful it was. Sona's music managed to leave a good feeling in our body, our soul was lighter with each melody we listened to.

When Sona's music had exploded into its "chorus", Ahri had jumped out of her chair and started jumping and screaming in her place, as did many other people who were loving that sound. Even Syndra had gotten up to jump along with Ahri.

Sona started using various melodies, put them together and made a beautiful song. There were three melodies with very different beats, each time she used one of those melodies, the lights would change color, thus making a beautiful light show together. I stopped analyzing the details and finally closed my eyes to feel the wonderful sensations that those songs were giving me.

My heart was beating slowly, my breath was light and my thoughts were far away, in my stomach there were butterflies, my body felt light as a feather. I opened my eyes and thought I was dreaming for a moment, but that was the reality, really, Sona's songs touched your soul with their magic. I took a deep breath and relaxed into my chair. I closed my eyes again and immersed myself in that mixture of sensations.

"Take good care of my boy." A low, soft voice echoed in my thoughts. "I've heard this phrase before." - I thought. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye to tell the truth, everything around me turned gray, and I was somewhere totally unfamiliar by what it felt like. I started to hear screams and noises of swords and axes crossing, however, everything seemed to be in slow motion and blurred, little by little the images started to get clearer and I could see everything, everything was in black and white, and I finally recognized it. the scenario, which in the end, was not at all unknown to me, quite the contrary, that was... it was... a battle. Every time a soldier was wounded in that battle, the only thing that gained color was his blood, he flew sideways in a very dark red tone, the noise of the battle was deafening. There were cannon and gunfire noises in the background, which were very loud by the way, and which didn't sound like background sound at all. I saw many people falling in front of me, and again, that feeling of not being able to do anything filled me. That dream could only be one thing, it could only be one place, it could only be that place. That sure was... The chemical warfare between Noxus and Ionia.

In the blink of an eye again, I saw black gases engulfing everything around me, everything and everyone. Everything had gone black and smoke seemed to swirl around me. Screams and howls of pain and despair were heard by me, and then my despair returned. My desire to cry and scream was immense, I felt my heart beat too fast and my breathing became heavy and too fast, I felt my eyes moisten with the tears that insisted on trying to fall, and I struggled to hold them. My body was boiling, I felt trapped by that smoke, which was getting closer and closer, I looked desperately around to see if I could find any way to escape or try to wake up from that nightmare.

But nothing woke me up. Not even a pinch I gave myself.

"KILL". -That word began to echo in the middle of the shadows.

I saw hands and bodies crawl towards me, they were all red and raw, their skin seemed to peel away from their body and I could smell the putrefaction in the air, each time I got more and more desperate to wake up, I I was afraid of that, yes, afraid, very afraid. More and more those monsters approached me, I was cornered, what could I do? I just hugged myself and tried to dodge all the pulling and pulling those bodies threw at me. And more and more the shadows approached me.


Those words were said in a macabre tone of voice, but I recognized them from somewhere.

The shadows were about to smother me when I bent down and knelt on the floor, held my head for protection and started screaming.

-HE ARRIVES! -I screamed at the top of my lungs and with all the strength I had.

"You'll know."- A last soft voice said before the shadows engulfed me for good.

I woke up in fright, throwing myself forward and almost falling out of my chair, I was very short of breath.

"RIVEN?" I heard Syndra's voice scream my name.

-Fuck... -I put a hand over my eyes and lay down on the chair.

-What was happening? I was worried about you mumbling and beating yourself up beside me. -Yasuo said.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my heartbeat before trying to speak. I stared at the sky as I calmed down.

-Is everything all right, Riven? You were seeing something disturbing by the way. -Zed said.

I took another deep breath and lifted my head to talk to them.

-I remember listening to Sona's beautiful melody, so I closed my eyes to enjoy even more the good feelings that the music was giving me, when I realized, everything went gray, and I was in the middle of the war. I heard a lot of disturbing voices and everything. Well, all in all, it must have been some nightmare I couldn't wake up to. -I spoke calmly.

-We were worried, you missed almost the entire presentation. -Yasuo said a little sad.

-Sorry, I really wish I'd seen it. I didn't really understand why I went out like that, I wasn't so tired for it to happen.

-Bizarre. -Zed said.

-I ARRIVED. -Suddenly I heard the scream of my beloved little fox who was running upstairs.

-Sorry, the queues were huge. -Wukong explained.

-Thanks. -Syn took the bottle of water from the monkey's hand and handed it to me while kneeling. -Tell me everything later. -She whispered as she handed me the water bottle.

-I was worried about you. -Ahri said while kneeling in front of me making a sad face.

I smiled and said.

-I'm fine, I just had a nightmare. -I made a little caress on her head.

-A nightmare? In the middle of a performance with the music so loud and everything? I was amazed to see that you could sleep in this situation. -Wukong gave an awkward smile. -I hope you're better now, beautiful young woman. -He said as he let out his smile.

I took a few sips of water and dried my mouth with the sleeve of my clothes.

-Well, I appreciate everyone's concern, but I'm already better. Thanks.

-Is it just me, or has she been very polite lately? -Said Syndra.

-I also think. -Zed said putting his fingers on his chin.

-I agree. -Yasuo said imitating the same movement of Zed.

-Oh what a beautiful friend, very well! Do you want to go out and have something tasty by chance?

-Ain, yes I want! -Said Syndra in a sweet way.

-Then go take it up your ass. - I smiled and showed the middle finger.

-She's normal Syn!-Ahri put her hands on my forehead and told Syndra.

-Well, I don't want to spoil the moment, but most of the people who were here have left and they are already preparing the stage for the next performances of the night. What do you think about taking the break and going to eat? -Wukong said.

-That's why I love the monkey! -Yasuo said pointing to the monkey.

-Good idea, shall we? -Zed said.

-Of course, I'm starving. -I hit my chest and belched.

-Nut! -Said Syndra.

-You love Me. Do not complain. -I spoke while sending a kiss.

We left our seats and headed for the stairs that led to the exit. I saw everyone playing and laughing, I even joked a few times, but that dream still didn't come down to me, there was something wrong with that, and I needed to find out.

We were leaving the arena when Zed said.

-Shall we go downtown to eat?

-I think it's better, the stalls in the temples must be all full. -Yasuo said.

-Shall we go to the old meeting restaurant?-Wukong said, walking in front of us.

-Nice order monkey! The usual? Zed asked.

-Certainly! -He replied.

-Do we pretend we understand everything? -Ahri said next to us.

-Yea? -Syndra said.

-Yes!- I replied.

-Really, that place was great. -Ahri said as he approached the boys.

-I agree. The dishes there were very good. -I spoke as I closed my eyes and nodded.

-The waiters, don't even talk. -Syndra said and laughed.

Meanwhile, I widened my eyes after hearing what Syndra was saying, even more in front of Zed.

-True, the waiters were beautiful. -Yasuo said while giving some mocking laughter.

Zed stared at Syndra and then said.

-Remember that beautiful blonde who dined with us once Wukong? -Zed had turned to his friend and surprised him with the question.

Wukong might have been startled by Zed's question, but then he played the game.

-I do remember, a beautiful girl by the way. What was her name again? I can't remember.

-I believe her name was Astrid. -Zed said in a calm voice as he cast a corner look to see Syn's reaction.

- True, now I remember your name. That girl's eyes were fascinating. -Said the monkey. -They were very seductive.

-Beautiful! -Zed said. -Too bad what I wanted to see were not the eyes. -He gave a malicious smile.

They laughed.

-Idiots. –Ahri raised his hand and materialized his sphere, then threw it at Wukong's head, who ended up staggering backwards from the impact of the small sphere.

Syndra made such an incredible disgusted face, I should have taken a picture, no matter what, but I should have taken that picture.

Syndra walked by Zed's side and slapped him across the face, she glared at him and then resumed walking.

-So, let's have dinner! Apparently, the mood is heavy because no one ate anything, right? C'mon C'mon! -Yasuo said as he pushed Syndra forward and grabbed Ahri by the arm at the exact moment she would go after the monkey with her typical aggressions.

-You were an imbecile. -I spoke close to Zed and stared at him. Even though I wanted to laugh at Syndra's face, I wanted to break Zed's face over that ridiculous joke.

In the end, we went to the so-called restaurant in silence.

The center of Ionia was busy and full of people, there were many businesses open, some vendors even offered us cool objects and little things. Until then, everything was well decorated and its streets were still full of lanterns. We walked a little further and Yasuo led us to a restaurant on a corner. The restaurant was right in the center of the vuco-vuco so to speak.

We entered the place and then my lungs were filled with a slight smell of incense, which was very good by the way. The restaurant was not quite full, because there were several empty tables and the others were crammed with people.

We went to a corner of the establishment and sat at a large and spacious table that had very comfortable leather seats, the place was a typical Ionian establishment, with its typical decoration in gold, red and black, and with some dragons and others paintings made on the wall. On the other side of the venue, there was a small stage, it seemed, there were some little shows. But I saw some girls with microphones in their hands watching a TV, I think that day was karaoke night.

A waiter with a friendly smile came to meet us at our table, because of that stupid fight the staff had, the girls sat beside me and the boys sat in front of us.

We ordered and silence reigned at that table.

Riven pov's of Irelia pov's on.

We were almost reaching the center of the city when I started to see people moving towards the temples, arena and center. That night was more than beautiful, all lit and well decorated, not to mention the beautiful stars that were in the sky that night. I had finally left the house for a walk, to free myself from those thoughts that were pulling me so low, I don't know what words to use to thank Akali for making me build up enough courage and self-esteem to leave that house to celebrate instead to just go out to work. You could already smell the delicious smell of festive foods from the entrance to the center.

"Are you enjoying the Irelia decor?" Shen asked as she pulled me out of my thoughts.

-Yes I am Shen. The city is as beautiful as the festivals of the seasons. Everything is wonderful. -I spoke

-The smell of the food is wonderful too! -Says Akali.

Shen chuckled and spoke.

-Want to go eat something dear? Prefer to eat in the center or in the temple? -Shen spoke all worried.

- I'm fine for now Shen, and we've barely arrived yet. Calm down. -She smiled.

-I'm afraid if your son is a girl friend, she will end up being spoiled by this silly father. -Smiles and told Akali.

-That's my only fear Irelia. – We laughed.

-Am I that silly? -He asked.

-Yes, very silly. -Ria Akali while pulling her husband for a quick kiss.

I was so happy to see Akali and Shen fulfilled that way, with everything working out so well for them, and I more than anyone wanted everything to continue like that, just the same, however, seeing them so happy and fulfilled with their lives and to that baby that was to come, I ended up getting kind of sad somehow, since I ended up remembering him. Remembering Yone.

We had so many plans, so many dreams and desires. It took us so long to get right and get together and... and... And suddenly, everything was gone, like dust, it was gone. We had only spent three years together, the least we could do to start our future life was to renovate his parents' house and turn it into our home. In the end we were engaged, we were happy, we were satisfied with everything.

That night was reminding me so much of the day he told me he felt, it was that beautiful summer night five years ago. I never expected Yone to share the same feelings as me, and when I found out, I didn't know what reaction I should use at that moment, in the end, I just hugged him and started crying in his arms, and from then on. I didn't let go of it anymore.

-Irelia? -I heard Akali's voice


-You seem to be far away, is everything okay?

-Yes, I am. I was thinking about him you know. He would love to be here. -I gave a sad smile.

-Irelia, look at this-.

Shen interrupted Akali's speech

-We know how much he'd like to be here with you Irelia, but you can't stick to it forever, we know he's fine now, that he's resting. Now it's your turn to rest my friend. I know it's hard, but try to let go of it for at least one night in your life. We didn't take you out of the house so that you were just thinking about him and the life you would have with him. -Shen spoke in a calm way, but worried.

-Shen. -My eyes widened with what he had said, it was like a slap in my face, a slap that made me wake up a little bit.

-He's right Irelia, have fun at least tonight. Then you can go back to your hole of loneliness and sadness. – said Akali.

-Akali!-Shen scolded her.

-I'm not lying people. -She laughed.

I let out a laugh that seemed to impress them both.

-Okay Shen, she's right. I will enjoy this night. For you saw. -I pointed to them.

-Oh, I loved it! -Akali jumped on top of me and hugged me.

-Calm down Akali. -Shen said a little worried.

I smiled and we went back to the walk. We were already in the center of the city and we were finally going to decide what we were going to do.

-I want to have fun today, so I ask you. What do we do? -I spoke while I stopped and stood in front of Akali and Shen.

-First we're going to eat!-Akali said happily.

-I was thinking about going to the temples next, to look at the stalls and the street performances that they will have. What do you think?

-Good choice, why don't we go to a Karaoke restaurant? -I spoke.

-Good choice Irelia. There will be a few more performances in the arena before the fireworks, we could go there and have a look too. -Said Akali this time.

-Well, I loved the plans. I don't want to stop another minute tonight! – I said happily while moving a little flag I got from a man who was distributing them in front of a shop.

-Are we going to the restaurant of the old meetings then? -Shen asked.

-No, today we are going to that very expensive restaurant near the temple, my love. On me of course. I didn't come to remember the past. It is not?

-THERE! I DO NOT BELIEVE. SHE WILL PAY! -Akali shouted euphoric while giving a few jumps.

-Careful Akali. -Shen spoke while holding the jumps of his wife.

-For the love of God Shen, she's just pregnant, she didn't turn porcelain. -I spoke to the silly father.

-But she can't be too agitated. -She spoke in an innocent and worried way.

-I'm fine love, and she's right. I'm not porcelain.

I laughed lightly at the situation and went back to walking, as the restaurant was a little far from there, we took the opportunity to visit stalls and shops to see what we could find cool. We passed a bazaar and bought some gas horns for fireworks. Although Akali's would end her horn long before the fireworks started. Since since she'd bought it, until she was halfway there, she hadn't stopped pushing that damn button for a minute, and then again, she hadn't stopped pestering Shen with the same horn.

We talked all the way, laughing at things we found on the street and telling some funny things we saw and witnessed while working. I told him about the fiasco I made in the meeting room and I also told him that the old men had a good taste for alcoholic beverages. We passed another stall and bought some bloody moon masks to wear overnight. Akali had been very interested in a stand of exotic skewers, which gave Shen goosebumps by the way, we went to the stand and faced the huge line to get a scorpion skewer. I confess that that had given me a certain repudiation, since I was kind of fresh for food.

Across the street, on a corner, we saw a young magician enchanting people with his work. It had even given me an urge to go out there and throw some coins at him. We went back to walking among the people and in the middle of the walk, we passed in front of the restaurant of the old meetings, and today it was apparently karaoke day, as I was listening to the screams, laughter and loud music coming from there. . I went ahead and took a look at the restaurant stage, I saw two women with beautiful white hair having fun on the small stage of the restaurant, both were in buns, but one was in a nice red jumpsuit and the other was wearing an impeccable kimono, that honestly, I wanted an equal.

We walked and I watch the large glass windows of the restaurant, the last window I had, there was a hybrid sitting with a sullen face, and for sure that scene was one of the cutest things I had seen that night.

After smiling and remembering the good things we all spent together in that restaurant. We moved on to each other, and honestly, I was starving and couldn't wait to get there and indulge in those wonderful high-calorie, fat-filled foods.

Irelia pov's of Riven pov's on

-LET'S SING SYN! I shook Syndra by the shoulders so she would walk with me onto the stage.

-I don't want to go Riven. I'm ashamed, I told you.

-Leave it cool and come with me, please! -I made a face of a dog.

Syndra looked at me and turned away.

-VEMMMM SYYNNN! -I yelled in his ear

-OK HELL, I WILL GO! I WILL!- Syndra clapped her hands over hers and stood up, finally, she surrendered to my incessant pleas.

-AEEEEEE! -I spoke while hanging on it again.

We got up from the table and walked to the small stage of the restaurant. We took the microphones that were on a small table and chose a random song to sing. Well, my voice wasn't the prettiest thing people could hear that night, but Syndra's voice. MY GOD! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VOICE! I had never heard her singing voice, and well, I was even more amazed by that beautiful woman, WHO WAS MY BEST FRIEND OF MY PEOPLE!

We sang some more and when I saw that our food was going to the table, I pulled Syndra as hard as I had and dragged her to the table. I was starving and when they placed those wonderful dishes in front of us, my god, what a joy I had felt. We separated the dishes that we ordered and began to delight in that, and wow, those dishes were more than delicious.

After a while the staff and I were still eating, Ahri got back to interacting with Wukong, however, Syndra and Zed were still exchanging glares and frowns with each other, and well, Yasuo and I were delighted with a serve we had requested, and well, it was way better than beer anyway, now I understood why he was always drinking it.

We started to get slightly upset from the drink, so the screaming was inevitable in the restaurant. But what caught my attention the most in that vuco vuco between us was the following sentence in which Ahri screamed.

-LOOK AT THAT GIRL'S HAIR! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL THING! -Ahri slapped her hands on the table and stood up to say that.

-Where Ahri? -Syndra asked, who was the most sober at the time.

-The one at the door! -She spoke a little lower this time.

I looked towards the door and saw long blue hair, held back by two long braids.

-You Must be kidding. -I looked amazed at the door.

-COME SOON! I'M HUNGRY!- The blue-haired girl was busy at the door calling someone.

-I'M ALREADY GOING JINX, WAIT! -I heard that angry voice coming from the street. And I would recognize that voice from afar.

Suddenly, that beautiful woman with pink hair entered the restaurant, and wanting it or not, my joy was immense to see her again.

-SAW! -I got up from the table and yelled at her.

Immediately her angry face turned into a startled smile, she came running to our table with all that charisma that only she had.

-NANICA! I WAS DYING MISSING. -She said as she approached me.

I got up quickly and stepped over Syndra so I could hug her. Vi hugged himself and lifted me off the ground.

How I missed the hugs of that big hand. My night couldn't be more complete after that.

Next chapter