
With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.

Suddenly reminded of something, Katyayani got up from the windowsill and made her way to the stone wall opposite the fireplace. Tapping her fingers twice in a familiar rhythm, she waited for the grooves to move and the space to appear. A small compartment opened up and popped out.

Katyayani pulled out the yellowed papers carefully from it and brought them to the window, where the weak sun rays were streaming in.

My dear darling Katyayani

If you are reading this, then your father and I have already gone away from your life. I hope that this letter never finds its way to you but if it has, then it is time for you to grow up. Through this letter, I am leaving a path for you. I hope you follow it till the time you are capable enough to forge your own.

Listen to Mandodari and follow her directions without any question. She will never wish ill for you.

Become strong and capable enough to defend yourself against all odds.

Leave the Bali Mansion and go live at the cabin in the Mandh Mountain. I made it especially for you.

Dream big and chase those dreams with all your might.

And lastly,

You have a gorgeous smile, don't let it falter!

Your father and I love you. We hope to see you leading a life filled with love, laughter and bliss.

May the strength of the Moon and Sun be with you…

Your loving mother




Katyayani folded the letter back and gazed at the serene pond.

"I am afraid that I haven't been able to fulfil your wishes, Mother. It is tough to lead a blissful life without the presence of you and father in it. I am lonely… so lonely. Why did you throw me off the carriage that day? Why did you not take me to heaven with you? How do I wish for something new when my previous dreams have been completely shattered. I don't belong anywhere or with anyone." Katyayani's eyes had become laden with moisture without her even realising it.

After a moment, she wiped away those tears and put the letter down, to read the next one. This one had been addressed to Dai Maa. Unlike the loving tone of the previous letter, the words in this one seemed to be cold and clinical, almost as if two different people had written these two letters.


If this is in your hand before Katyayani has become eligible, reach out to my mother and summon my four attendants. They will be responsible for teaching Katyayani everything that she should know as a royal princess of Adra.

Continue to maintain the secrecy of her identity and mine, till she reaches the age of seventeen, from everyone in the Bali family.


Send Katyayani to the cabin in the Mandh Mountain with the four girls. Her real appearance has to be hidden till the right time. You will manage my businesses through Mrigtrishna as the front. Tell Katyayani about her legacy and ask her to make a choice when you think she is ready.

Should she choose to follow the intended path, help her with all your might. Take it as repaying the blood debt that you owe me.

Last - don't let her go to Adra till she is ready and willing!




The letter remained unsigned. Dai Maa had shown this letter to Katyayani on her tenth birthday.

Since that day, her life had suddenly changed drastically after she replied to the question asked by Dai Maa.

[Do you wish to lead a leisurely life as you do currently, or do you want to challenge your destiny and reach for the Sun?]

Even though Katyayani hadn't understood the question in its entirety at that time, she had replied with unflinching conviction: [I want to reach for both the Moon and the Sun.]

At her ambitious reply, Mandodari's eyes had crinkled and she had put her rough hand on her head, ruffling her hair.

Chatvari entered the room with a steaming tea pot and a few snacks in a tray. Not surprisingly, she found Katyayani sitting at her favourite place by the window with the old letters fluttering in her hands.

"It's really cold, Young Miss! Let's shut that window now. Mandodari didi has sent your favourite street vendor's pakoras* and tamarind chutney. Also, Eka has made hot elaichi* tea to go along with it. Come have it while it's hot," cajoled Chatvari, wanting to chase away the melancholy off her mistress's face.

Katyayani smiled and nodded. Before she could say something, Trini entered and commented with a poker face. "Make sure to fill your stomach properly. After all, you will be dining with the Bali family tonight. Who knows how much you will be able to eat there."

Katyayani laughed softly at her words and said, "Mm...hmm. I will eat well right now. Considering you are going to take me to task later in the night, I might as well fill my stomach up properly now."

Since it wasn't possible for Katyayani to train with Trini in the mornings at Bali mansion lest they caught other people's attention, they usually practiced at night.

While in Dima, Trini preferred honing their skills in the art of moving*, taking advantage of all the constructions and obstacles that were present in the city. The goal was to reach a predetermined destination in the shortest possible time.

This was Katyayani's favourite form of workout as it combined the usage of mind and body to devise the best possible method in the ever changing topography in front of the person. It was challenging and exhilarating.

At least in this arena, Katyanai and Trini were evenly matched despite the latter having more experience. That was because of Katyayani's ability to foresee and act decisively at a lightning speed. Moreover, her agility and flexibility were top notch.

*Pakora - fritters with filling, coated with gram flour

*Elaichi - cardamom

*Art of moving - Parkour, a training discipline where practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment, without assisting equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible

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