
After a storm comes a calm

Reincarnation, also known as rebirth or transmigration, is the philosophical or religious concept that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death.

When Akihiko is young he always rely on ryou through up and down, Ryou is always by akihiko's side. Akihiko is happy as long as ryou is his side but ryou didn't consider to tell akihiro what really he is.

Long time ago akihiko went to seoul for vacation trip with his parets. his father having a always picking nose in someone bussiness, "son? how about the girl in our house, isn't pretty?" Dad! how many times have to tell you i don't like her beside i can handle my grades without her. akihiko said. His father laugh because of his face and his mother are laugh too. "Mom! don't be like that, why are you laughing too!!"

while they were laughing there was an accident the truck lose control and ran into them.

Those moments his mother hugged tightly to his body while weeping and she said, "son, always take care of yourself" *smiled*

In that event he was the only survivor.

"Ryou, how important is that child to you to waste your power?" Kamisama said.

"Nothing special i've feel to this person since the first i saw him i want to keep him alive"

Ryou is one of those who take souls to heaven and inflict punishment on sinful souls.


Ryou is lying in the grass while sleeping.

"Father is always joking me, i'm feel embrassed" *sniffle* Akhiko said.

Ryou is awaken because of akihiko and akihiko saw him and wipe his tears and ryou laugh when he saw akihiko do that.

but.. ryou is shocked too, "did he really saw me? but he is human" to make sure he is not really dreaming ryou is going to akhiko and ask him "Do you see me?"

"Why did you asking me like that you're being creepy"

And ryou is laugh after he heard those words.

after that akihiko stopped crying. While akihiko was crying he told ryou what the reason was and he was happy because akihiko was no longer crying.

"Jeez, I need to go home my mother will worried at me if I'm late to go home, thanks to you i'm not crying like a baby anymore, bye" Akihiko said before he left.

"He always surprises me" *smile*

No one is thankful for what ryou did except akihiko. He is always cursed by souls.

After that Ryou is always following Akhiko but Akihiko didn't notice that.

Akihiko dreamed of the time he met Ryou but he didn't even ask what his name was after that dream Akhiko is awaked by his consciousnesses.


Nurse said and run to inform the doctor.

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