
Raid On The Qin Family Part 1

In a warehouse near the Qin family estate on a secret lower level, a group of around one thousand in total a combined force of mercenaries, Qin side family members, and all two hundred members of Serenity's main guild were in attendance. On a stage, standing in front of these people were Ryu and Chi. They were surrounded by the generals of Serenity. 

Ryu cleared his throat as he looked out over the crowd and began to speak: "Today is the long awaited day. For the people of Serenity, it is a chance to become something much greater than we are now. For the people of the Qin side families, it is a day where they take control of their own lives. And for the mercenaries who took on this job, it is a day to make a large sum of money.

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