
Coax, manipulate or force

''Ah...'' Esme moaned, melting into his arms as his teeth nibbled on the skin on her neck. Her grip on his hair loosened and she ended up clutching the collar of his shirt. 

He kissed the spot he just bit before he pulled back from her to look at her face. The sight of her flushed face made him smile, ''I am happy.'' 

Esme had yet to come out of her reverie. ''For?" her voice came out quite breathy and sensuous. 

Aleister gulped softly. 

''Why are you happy?" She asked again, the sight of her narrowed eyes seducing him further. 

Aleister wrapped both his arms around her waist and placed his chin on her head. Out of sight, out of mind. Don't look at her and you won't be seduced. 

But oh man, how wrong he was!

Esme leaned into his body, the tip of her nose stroking his neck, ''I asked what makes you happy?" her lips moved against his chest. 

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