


Catherine could only hold her breath as she watched Danny lean down and put his finger under Bowen’s nose. A few seconds later he withdrew his hand and laid it across Bowen’s chest. After what seemed like hours, he pulled it away and squeezed her shoulder.

“It’s just slowed. He still has a heartbeat.”

Exhaling deeply, Catherine relaxed her tight posture only slightly. She didn’t have to break apart after all. Not yet. “I can’t do this. I almost lost him once. I can’t lose him now. Not ever, but especially not now,” she said, tears filling her eyes. The fear of losing him was a wound she’d carried for too long. It had become a scar, but now it was open again, and bleeding hot inside of her like the strange blood on her ankle.

“I know,” Danny said soothingly. “Come here.” He wrapped her in a hug, and she reluctantly conceded.

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