
Sky Island VIII

The night was filled with a soft mist as there was soft hammering noises, since Vierra wasn't a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper, this still woke her up.

The sound of the hammering came from the ship, it was already late at night so no one would be up.

Vierra was quite dazed but still checked it out, taking a peek from the tree. She could see a small hammer hitting her ship.

She couldn't see the figure due to the heavy mist that surrounded the ship and the area surrounding it, but she could see the movements of the hammer.

Looking closer, there was a black shadowy figure hitting the ship with it's hammer. Vierra let the figure do it's thing, she knew it didn't mean any harm from watching the anime.

Instead of screaming like what Usopp would've done, she instead went back to her sleeping spot and drifted into darkness once again.

Meaning in another place...

"Just what is that Blue Sea person after?"

"Her aim is nothing, she'a not aiming for the gold nor aiming at anything at all." said Enel.


"Are you sure about that?"

"No, her aim might actually be me." said Enel.

"Nah?! Why is that?"

"Who knows, I guess she knows about the angels and the guerillas." said Enel.

"But how does she know that?"

"Probably cause of that old man, Gan Fall. He's stubborn and probably made friends with the Blue Sea person. But that isn't the point right now, I've told you all the rules you guys are supposed to follow. The next time you guys are out of line, you'll know what to expect." said Enel.


Vierra woke up with a sneeze, "Was someone talking about me?

Looking around with her groggy eyes, she saw that the wolves and Gan Fall was already gone. She understood why the wolves would leave, but Gan Fall left without even a goodbye, how disheartening.

Recalling the memories of last night, she smiled. She was able to meet Klabautermann, it is said to be a water spirit that dwells on ships and is basically an incarnation of a ship that has been well cared for.

"I guess it was real." muttered Vierra.

Stretching her body, a few bones cracked but it gave off a good feeling. First things first, it was time to check on the ship. Making her way over, her ship's cracks were already patched up, it was probably more sturdy than the original. Though, it was still amazing on how the spirit knew how the original looked, that was kind of scary.

"It's time to get going, time is precious after all."

It was time to visit the ruins that was win the right eye of the skull, with a jump, she was back in the forest again. With the map in her head, she started heading south.

The walk was boring, there was no priest attacking, it was just a normal travel. Although it may seem crazy that she's asking for trouble, it was far better than walking around in a big forest with nothing but large roots. Right when she thought of that, she heard a slight noise. Looking behind her, there was a root with a darker shade of green along with black stripes. Then there was a slight rumbling an a blue creature with blue stripes came out.

"Hold on now, I didn't want trouble this soOOOON!"

With that said, the huge blue creature opened it's mouth, 2 sharp fangs was shown as it let out a loud scream. Vierra started running as the blue creature started slithering through the forest, chasing after her.

"Just how can something so big move so fast?!" yelled Vierra.

Running through the forest with a huge snake chasing after her not her plans, if she knew it was like this, she would've never asked for any trouble. Patting the side of her waist, she felt her katana at it's place. Unsheathing it, she jumped on top of a tree branch and went into her stance. Right when she was about to cut it, the snake bit the tree as purple smoke along with liquid started to come out.

"Poison, but it's not enough."

Applying haki and holding her breath in, she leaped through the air and landed right next to the huge snake, since it wasn't able to turn that well, it wasn't able to dodge the slash that now left a deep cut on it's body.

It let out one last attack, spitting out poison from it's mouth, Vierra was easily able to dodge. When she recovered, the snake was already gone and there no traces of the huge snake anywhere.

That was when the large green snake came out, it's wide mouth with it's sharp fangs came on top of Vierra. Jumping right, she dodged the attack that now left a deep hole in the ground.

"It's that sharp?" asked Vierra in disbelief.

The huge snake came towards Vierra again, however, she was already prepared. With a slash of purple haki, it hit the large snake as it's eyes rolled back and turned white. It's large body that was wrapped around the trees went motionless as it's mouth hung wide open.

Sheathing her blade, she let out a breath.

"That was quite eventful."

Looking around, she was in an entirely different place, she was far off the normal route.

"Well, all I have to do is go south anyways."


Meanwhile, Wyper and the Shandian warriors were heading to the God's shrine to defeat Eneru. However, Eneru, who uses Mantra to see all let his priests use the entire island as locations for ordeals to begin a game of survival. However, the priests wasn't just sent after the Shandian warriors, they were also sent towards Vierra.

"A divine warrior?" asked Vierra.

"Indeed, by God Eneru's orders, we've been sent to clean up all of the upper yard. Accept the fact that there is no escape from us fifty elite elite divine soldiers!" said the divine soldier with long ears, two short pointy white horns on his bald head.

"Again with the god stuff. Well, there was no use telling you since you wouldn't believe me anyways. Now then, let's start." said Vierra.

The divine soldier pulled out his Axe Dial as Vierra unsheathed her katana.

"This is the type of trouble I've been looking for."

Next chapter