
Sky Island VI

I started walking deeper in the forest, the layout of the forest was already in my head so I was able to travel freely. I was contemplating whether to head back to the ship or not. But the extroverted self got the better of me, I kept walking.

While I was walking, I kept looking at the soil in the ground. It shouldn't even be dirt, it should be island clouds. If I remember from the anime, this island was originally from the ground.

The other half of the house that was originally on the ground was brought up here. Though, how did it even come up here? It wasn't as if I wasn't going to find out soon so I shook the thought away.

But what was confirmed was that this island was originally from Jaya.

While I was thinking, a big bird and a figure suddenly came at me. It's spear was coming for my neck as I immediately pulled out my katana and deflected it.

Can't I get some time to breath?

The figure had a purple coat along with red hair and goggles.

His name was Sky Priest Sky Rider Shura, that explains the huge red bird with purple wings he was riding.

I think it's name was Thirty Foot Bird Fuza, that was one weird name to name a bird but alright.

They circled around the position I was in and slowly came down.

Landing a few feet away from me, "Tsk, calling help for a little girl. Making such an emergency for a little girl. You're annoying." said Shura.

Coming towards me, he struck his spear towards my abdomen as I dodged his attack.

"Why are you even fighting me?" I asked.

"Shut up, I'm just killing another insect for Eneru-sama." replied Shura.

Eneru, another name for Enel. It seems that he's been in contact with Enel before.

"Would you mind telling me where Eneru is?" I ask.

"As if I'd tell a Blue Sea person." said Shura.

With that being said, he came at me again with his spear. Dodging it, his bird spit fire at me which I immediately ducked. Give me a break already...

I struck my sword at him twice but it missed, although it may be normal, he dodged as if he was predicting it. Observation haki, not bad but mines is at a higher level.

That was when I decided to play with him, to show the overwhelming difference between us.

"Your mantra against my haki, let's see who would win?" I asked.

He didn't reply, instead he kept striking me with his spear as I dodged every strike as if I knew where he was going to hit. I could tell he was frustrated, that was his fault for even thinking about targeting me.

"You know, you angels are pitiful." I said.

He grew even more irritated as he struck even faster, but his accuracy was decreasing by a lot.

"Taking orders from someone who claims himself as god." I said.

My katana was at my waist as I tucked my arms behind my back.

It was like a teacher lecturing his student.

And I was the teacher, despite me being younger than the person in front of me.

"You could live freely, among the angels, and have fun."

"Find love, marry, and kids."

I spread out my arms as I tilted my head to dodge the strike.

"But you chose to follow orders from someone, how pitiful."

"It's as if you don't even have your own pride." I said.

That got him mad, he threw all of his energy into one strike. I dodged and he was off balance, taking this chance, I walked towards him.

"Find someone that's weaker than me to fight." I said.

I hit my knee against his stomach, he groaned, and I kicked his stomach sending him flying into the trees.

His bird was about to spit fire when I pulled out my katana and pointed it at the bird.

I smiled, "Would you like yourself roasted or barbecued? I'm feeling a bit hungry right now."

The bird took off and ran to Shura who was slowly starting to get up.

Looking at the spear he was holding, the tip seemed to be sprouting a bit of fire.

"Hoh? Still haven't given up?" I asked.

"I won't lose to someone like you." said Shura.

What was that even suppose to mean?

He got up on his bird and they both came at me. With fire coming out of the bird's beak and a spear coming towards my face. I thought about how should I dodge this... wait should I even dodge?

I sprinted at towards them, while Shura was riding his bird, the bird sprouted fire at me but I waved it away using haki on my arms. With my other arm, I deflected his spear, when it made contact, it sprouted fire but it was useless.

From what I could see with my haki, he wasn't that bad of a fighter, it was just that I was simply too strong. Although he was able to predict some of my attacks, he wasn't able to dodge it and instead prepared his spear to deflect it.

That showed that I was much stronger than him.

As our weapons clashed, the bird was growing tired from all the movements Shura was making. The bird went off balance as Shura jumped off of it, not caring about his bird, he dashed towards me at his highest speed.

Though he wasn't fast enough, he threw quick jabs with his spear but I countered it by using my blade to deflect them all. Why wasn't I attacking? Because I simply did not not want everyone coming at me yet since I could potentially accidentally killing him.

So instead, why not do this?

I'l force him to retreat. As he struck his spear towards me, I sprinted towards him and dodged the spear. Applying haki towards my feet, I instantly appeared right in front of him.

I could see his shocked and surprised face. Though he should've paid attention to his right hand since it was cut off. I jumped back as he started clutching to his hand that was cut off.

There was no way he could fight anymore. His bird stood beside him despite it's tiredness, staying loyal even if his owner didn't treat him well.

I praise you for that, I would've betrayed him immediately.

"It seems I wasn't needed." said a voice behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw it was Gan Fall with his knight armor and his own bird.

"You were just a bit too late, if you were earlier, his hand might not have been cut off." I said.

"Gan Fall!" said Shura.

Due to the sudden appearance of Gan Fall, adrenaline probably entered him.

"You're in no condition to fight Shura." said Gan Fall.

"One arm is fine, I'll kill you." said Shura.

With his left arm, he picked up his spear.

"I'll take care of this, you should go." said Gan Fall.

"Are you sure?"


I started walking away, "You're not leaving!" said Shura.

Before Shura could reach me, Gan Fall intercepted him with his own spear.

With the layout of the forest in my head, I started walking to the island that was split off.

Loud sounds were heard behind me, I felt like some character out of a movie.

Cool people don't look back.

I had a smug grin on my face as i put on my imaginary sunglasses.

I'm cool.

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