
Zabuza fight

Naruto: "Keep your eyes out and don't let your guard down, This guy is very dangerous," I said to both of them

Sakura: "I can see that much" Sakura said

Sasuke: "We know it dobe," Sasuke said as I got irritated 'I wished I hadn't said that' I thought as I watched Kakashi and Zabuza with my eyes activated as I can hope to get some jutsu's from them, Though mostly from Zabuza

As Kakashi revealed his eyes to Zabuza, He made his move by going to the lake near them as he gathered Chakra to start his silent killing technique 'He's gathering a large amount of Chakra' thought Kakashi as he watched Zabuza

Sakura: "Woah, He's standing on water," Sakura said as I *sighed* 'I'm stumped, She forgot Iruka talked about water walking, I thought they never learned any Chakra control techniques but they did, But they seemed to forget about it, I don't know why but I'm glad Iruka taught it to us' I thought

Zabuza: "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu," Zabuza said as a thick mist came as Zabuza was nowhere to be seen 'Gotcha! Can't wait to use this jutsu soon' I thought as Kakashi went near the lake to see if Zabuza was still their

Sakura: "Ugh, It's getting bigger and thicker," Moaned Sakura as the mist was getting foggier 'That's what he said' I thought as I muffled a peal of laughter which fortunately didn't get heard by anyone

Zabuza: "8 points, Larynx, Spine, Lungs, Liver, Jugular, Subclavian Artery, Kidneys, Heart, Now which one will be my kill point," Zabuza said as Tazuna, Sakura and Sasuke we're very scared as my face didn't change at all as Kakashi burst an immense amount of Chakra that the mist around us cleared as Sasuke looked at Kakashi and thought 'W-what a thirst for blood, I-if it goes on like this I'll go insane' As Sasuke held his kunai with his hands about to stab himself 'I can't take it anymore, I'd rather take my own life' But before he could do anything stupid, Kakashi woke him up from his thoughts

Kakashi: "Sasuke!" Kakashi shouted at him

Sasuke: "Agh!" Said Sasuke as he looked at Kakashi

Kakashi: "Calm down, I'll protect you with my life, All of you, I will not allow my comrades to die, Trust me ;D," Kakashi said as he did his Eye smile and looked at us 'Can't wait to tease Sasuke after this' I though

Zabuza: "I wouldn't be so sure," Zabuza said as he suddenly appeared next to Tazuna as Sasuke and Sakura were too shocked and afraid to do anything

Zabuza: "Die!" Zabuza said as he was about to slash Tazuna in half but I blocked his strike with my kunai as the force of our weapons colliding were strong enough to cause Tazuna, Sakura, And Sasuke to be pushed back a good 2 feet

Zabuza: "What?" Said Zabuza shocked as I pushed his sword away as I stabbed him in the chest as he turned into water 'Another jutsu gained' I thought as the real Zabuza arrived behind me

Kakashi: "Naruto!" Kakashi shouted as Zabuza slice through me but it turned out to be a shadow clone 'What?' thought Zabuza 'That kid, Gotta be careful with that Brat' As Zabuza was about to attack again as he felt cold metal against his throat

Kakashi: "Don't move, You are finished" Kakashi said as I hid in the mist watching the scene 'Eh, I guess Kakashi can do the rest so I can copy the Water Release: Water Dragon or something, All I know is that if a jutsu involves a Dragon then it's mine' I thought as I continued to watch them from the trees as I also sense Haku not just far away was watching too

Naruto: "I'll leave him alone, Were gonna meet anyways" I muttered

Zabuza: "Hahahaha" Zabuza laughed as Kakashi was confused

Zabuza: "Finished, You'll have to do better than that" As suddenly Zabuza turned into water as the real one appeared behind him as he raised his sword and tries to chop Kakashi but he ducked as Zabuza's sword went around his body as it hit the ground getting stuck, Zabuza retaliates by Kicking Kakashi in his back as he was sent flying into the lake, Wasting no time Zabuza rushed to Kakashi but he planted some spikes around the lake to slowdown Zabuza somewhat

Zabuza: "Makibishi spikes, Trying to slow me down?, What a nuisance," Zabuza said as he jumped over the spikes as he dives into the water as Kakashi showed himself from the lake as he was drenched with water 'This isn't normal water, It's dense, Heavy' thought Kakashi as Zabuza appeared behind him standing in the water as he made some hand signs

Zabuza: "Water style: Water Prison Jutsu," Zabuza said as Kakashi was imprisoned in a water sphere 'Keep milking me some more babies Zabuza' I thought as I went next to Tazuna, Sakura, And Sasuke

Zabuza: "Don't even try to escape, This prison may be made of water but it's harder than steel, I'll finish you off later, Water Clone Jutsu" Zabuza said as a water clone of Zabuza appeared 'He's even more skilled than I realized' thought Kakashi

Zabuza/Clone: "You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja, When you hovered between life and death so many times it doesn't faze you, Then you may be called a ninja, When you become so deadly your profile has entered my bingo book then you may have earned the title ninja, But to call upstarts like you ninja is a joke," Zabuza said as the water clone used the Hidden Mist Jutsu and vanished

Sakura: "He disappeared again," Sakura said as the WC (Water Clone) arrived in front of Sakura as he kicked her Is she flew way back, Getting her headband to fall off to the ground as the WC steps on it

Zabuza/Clone: "Your just brats," Zabuza said as Sasuke's expression says that he's ready to take a shit as I kept a serious face as always acting like an mc of some novel or fanfiction

Sasuke: "Sakura!" Sasuke said with a worried expression 'I guess he cared about her even at the start, Though he almost killed her' I thought

Kakashi: "Listen, get the bridge builder and run, You can't win this fight," Kakashi said to us

Kakashi: "He's using all of his power to keep me in this prison so he can only fight you using his Water clone but the clone can't go far from his real body, If you get away from him he can't follow now go!" Kakashi said 'You stupid Kakashi, How dare you get some battling while I don't' I thought

Naruto: "You know that's not gonna happen sensei," I said to him

Kakashi: "No Naruto, All of you get out here now," Kakashi said

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei, We will save you, Trust us :D," I said to him 'No he did not just do that to me' Kakashi thought as Sasuke suddenly rushed the WC without any care of the world 'Tf that Stupid Saucegay doing?' I thought as I watched Sasuke take on the WC

While Sasuke was rushing Zabuza he throws some shuriken at him but the WC easily blocked it with his sword as Sasuke jump in the air ready to kill the WC with his Kunai 'Too easy' thought the WC

Sasuke: "Now!" Sasuke shouted as he was about to stab his head, But the WC grabs his neck in mid-air as Sasuke tried to get away by using his two hands to remove the WC hands from his neck but it was not going so well as the WC throws Sasuke to the ground

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun!" Shouted Sakura as the WC suddenly appeared in front of her 'S-so this is what a Jonin is' Sakura thought as Sasuke made his way back to Tazuna and me

Naruto: "Why'd you rushed at him all alone," I said to him

Sasuke: "The only chance we have is to fight," Sasuke said 'I think I'll Chakra Infused bitched slap him when we're back at Konoha' I thought as Sasuke again tried to rush him as he got bitch slapped with some blood to come with it

Kakashi: "Sasuke!" Shouted Kakashi but he managed to get Sakura out of there and her headband back as he gave it to her 'Did Sasuke liked Sakura back then or not' I thought as I watched the scene before me

Zabuza/Clone: "Were just getting started" Zabuza said as he rushed Sasuke and elbowed him making him fall to the ground as Zabuza elbowed him another time against the ground, This causes Sasuke to spit out blood

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun!" Shouted Sakura as Kakashi is getting nervous as the WC put his right foot in Sasuke's stomach as he groaned as he squeezed his foot more in his stomach

Zabuza/Clone: "Your all nothing but brats who are playing ninjas," Said Zabuza as he continued to squeeze his foot into Sasuke's stomach

Naruto: "All right that's enough," I said as I suddenly appeared in front of the WC as I stabbed him in the chest as it turned into water as Kakashi watched it 'Nice Naruto, After this, I might explain to you how to pleasure a woman super good' Kakashi thought as Sasuke looked at Naruto and was surprised he beat the WC

Naruto: "Hey Sasuke catch," I said as I threw the weapon that in the Original Naruto and Sasuke used to free Kakashi

As Sasuke caught the Shadow cloned Fuma Shuriken he immediately knew what my plan is which is just the same as in the show

Sasuke: "So is this your plan? Not bad" Sasuke said to me as he readied the shuriken

Sasuke: "Demon Wind Shuriken, Windmill of the Shadow" Said Sasuke

Zabuza/Clone: "A shuriken? That won't touch me" The WC said as Sasuke rushed at him and jumped in the air as he threw the shuriken at the WC but the shuriken had other plans as the shuriken avoided the WC and went straight for the real Zabuza

Zabuza: "So he decided to throw it at the real body, Smart for a bunch of brats," Zabuza said as he caught the shuriken with his left arm but another one was coming straight to him but he just barely managed to dodge the shuriken by jumping in the air 'Shuriken Shadow clone Jutsu' thought Zabuza as I on the other side was like 'Holy crap, I didn't know that Sasuke knows the Shuriken Shadow clone jutsu or whatever you call it, But thanks for a new Jutsu' I thought happily

As the shuriken missed Zabuza he thought 'You're not touching me brats' As the Shuriken that he dodge turned out to be a Shadow Clone of Naruto 'What!, They tricked me, Shit!' thought Zabuza as the Shadow clone fired a kunai straight to him causing Zabuza to let Kakashi free as he dodged by sidestepping it at the last second but the kunai managed to hit Zabuza's cheek as blood trickled down at his face

Zabuza: "I'll kill you!" Said Zabuza to the clone as he was about to throw the shuriken at him but Kakashi stopped him by stopping the shuriken with his hands as blood gushed out from his hand but that didn't faze Kakashi at all as he looked at Zabuza coldly with his Sharingan penetrating his eyes as Zabuza met his

Kakashi: "Naruto, That was a great plan, I knew you'd come up with something with Sasuke," Kakashi said as Sasuke smirked and I just smiled at him

Zabuza: "Heh, I got distracted and lost my grip on the water prison," Zabuza said

Kakashi: "Don't flatter yourself, You weren't distracted, You were forced to let go" Kakashi said to him

Kakashi: "Your technique worked on me once, It will not happen twice, So what's it gonna be?" Said Kakashi still holding the shuriken as Zabuza looked at him

Sasuke: "Sakura, You know what to do," Sasuke said to her as both of them were standing in front of Tazuna 'Seriously, I think Sasuke loved Sakura at the start of the show' I thought as I watched them right next to Tazuna

As Kakashi looked at Zabuza he suddenly smirked 'What?' thought Kakashi as Zabuza pushed the shuriken into Kakashi's arm as it was backing out as the shuriken was about to hit Kakashi in the face but he managed to put all his strength into his arm as he knocked the shuriken out of Zabuza's hand as both Kakashi and Zabuza jumped back to get some space 'Alright I think this is it' I thought as I was anticipating the water dragon something jutsu

As they both landed back to the water Zabuza started making hand signs as Kakashi copied them and started making the same hand signs as Zabuza, Tazuna, Sakura, and Sasuke we're watching as I was using my ByakuSharingan to memorize the hand signs 'Yes keep it up you two' I thought as they kept on making hand signs as I kept on memorizing them

Zabuza/Kakashi: "Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu," They both said in unison as two Dragon's made of water came out from the lake as they both clashed 'Yesss, Finally got the jutsu, Thank's both of you' I thanked them in my mind as the two jutsu's collided with each other as the water around them was making waves as it hit my clone and Tazuna, Sakura and Sasuke were hit with the waves as well, Good thing I hid in the trees as I waited for the waves to stop and made it back to them

Sasuke: "So many hand signs but Kakashi-sensei managed to copy it perfectly" Muttered Sasuke as Zabuza rushed Kakashi with his sword but he managed to block it with his Kunai as the two tried to overpower each other as a certain person from the trees was watching from behind us 'Haku? Oh yea forgot he saves Zabuza' I thought as I focused my attention back to Kakashi and Zabuza as both of them jumped back

Zabuza: "Could it be" Zabuza muttered as he ran around the lake in a circle and Kakashi did the same until they switched positions 'I don't why they did that but what do I know I thought as I watched Zabuza raised his arm as Kakashi also raised his arm the same time as him

Zabuza: "It's as if he knows-" Zabuza didn't get to finish but Kakashi finished it for him

Kakashi: "-What I'm going to do next," Said Kakashi as Zabuza was surprised that he knew what he was going to say next

Zabuza: "What? How it's like he's-" Zabuza again didn't get to finish

Kakashi: "-Reading my mind," Kakashi said to him 'How did Kakashi know what he was gonna say or did he guess?, If not then Obito's Sharingan can predict what people are gonna say next' I thought as I watched them

Zabuza/Kakashi: "All your doing is copying me, I will crush you," Said both of them as Zabuza got irritated

Zabuza: "When I'm done with you your gonna shut that monkey mouth of yours," Zabuza said angrily as a water clone behind Kakashi appeared but he didn't make it 'What? I didn't make that, Is this one of his illusion jutsu's' Zabuza thought as he broke the illusion but it was too late as Kakashi finished the hand signs he was making

Kakashi: "Water Release: Giant Vortex Jutsu," Kakashi said as I copied that also with my ByakuSharingan 'Man can't wait to go home and practice all of the jutsu's I gained' I thought as I deactivated my ByakuSharingan as Kakashi's eye was spinning rapidly as a giant vortex of water appeared in front him as he fired it towards Zabuza

Zabuza: "Impossible, Aghhh!" Zabuza said as he got hit by the vortex as the jutsu was so strong it destroyed the ground and trees around it as he hit a tree but Kakashi was right to follow him as he throws some kunais at him on top of the tree that Zabuza was on as he groaned and gritted his teeth as Haku disappeared in the tree that he was in to find Zabuza

Kakashi: "You are finished," Kakashi said above the tree as the vortex subdued as Zabuza looked at him

Zabuza: "How? Can you see into the future" Zabuza said

Kakashi: "Yes, And this is gonna be your last battle" As Kakashi was about to finish him Haku threw some senbon at Zabuza's neck as we had just arrived and saw what happened as Tazuna, Sakura and Sasuke were shocked, As well as Kakashi as he looked at the person who did it

Haku: 'You were right, It was his last battle" Said Haku in the trees as Kakashi hopped down the tree he was in and checked Zabuza to see if he's dead or not

Kakashi: "No vital signs," Said Kakashi as he looked at Haku and he bowed his head a little

Haku: "Thank you, I've been tracking Zabuza for a long time now, Waiting for this chance to finally take him down," Haku said

Kakashi: "By your mask, You're a tracker ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist," Daddy Hatake said

Haku: "Impressive, you're well informed, It was my duty to stop Zabuza"

Kakashi: "From his size and voice he must be the same age as Naruto, Yet he's an elite assassin, He's no ordinary kid, But what is he" muttered Daddy as he got up and went to us as Haku appeared beside Zabuza as he carried him

Haku: "Your struggles are over, For now, I'll deal with the remains, There are many secrets in this body, They must not be allowed to get into the wrong hands, Please excuse me, Farewell," Haku said as he used Body flicker to leave as Kakashi covered his Sharingan eye with his headband

Kakashi: "Tazuna-san, When will we arrived at your house," Kakashi said to him

Tazuna: "About 30 minutes of walking then you can rest at my house," Tazuna said

Kakashi: "All right my cute little students, Let's go," Kakashi said as we nodded and I knew what's gonna happen next as Kakashi stopped in his tracks as he fell to the ground but not before I caught him

Sakura: "Kakashi-sensei!, What happened to him!" Sakura said as I carried him in my shoulder

Naruto: "He's just exhausted from using almost all of his Chakra, We should get going to Tazuna-sans home to let Kakashi rest," I said as Sakura and Sasuke nodded as we made our way to Tazuna's house

[I haven't written a chapter this longg, Hopefully, it does not have some typoes, Hope you enjoy]

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