
For love, for her!

The famous Grim of Valmanchal country was having a peaceful time with himself as he drown in his own thoughts. Lips held between his teeth and eyes staring the roof of the building where he was staying.

It was a luxurious mansion given to him for his stay. White marbles covering the ground and all the four wall of the room he was inside and a small but really pretty chandelier hung upside.

Many posters of animals were decorating the wall and a small symbol of two swords crossed together was also hung there next to the paintings.

It was the symbol of the Georginia country. Aside from bed there was a couch set a little away from his bed. In that peaceful environment abruptly, Gird entered inside his room without knocking.

"What's the matter with you?" Jasper said struggling hard to look at Gird while still lying on the bed.

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