
A kiss! (Part - 2)

He stopped at the 'but'! How annoying Theo felt at that time since he stopped in the middle and made her curious all over.

Theo eyes slide over his arm next to her as if scanning it keenly and then her gaze lifted up to look into his eyes, "You are…" before she could complete her words, he shot a devious arrow at her heart by his words, "Do you like my abs?".

Theo eyes turned ahead as she felt a little embarrassed and she slightly shook her head and suddenly her steps stumbled as she was gently pushed at the right side to the wall by his gentle hands.

Rather then him, she first glanced at the corridor, no one was there and she took a deep breath of relief, "What are you…".

Completely utter silence prevailed as she gulped looking at his lips near hers. Only a centimeter distance was left, she dare not move in such a situation where his eyelashes were brushing near her cheeks as his eyeballs were looking up and down on her face seductively.

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