
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


Reposting here Jasmine’s update from the later privilege chapters. She is finally improving and hopes to be back to us tomorrow🥰. In the meantime, keep voting your power stones to this book!


Thank you so much for sharing the update and I pray Jasmine finishes healing quickly!


Oh, finally, finally!!! Thank you Jasmine! We are still missing many pieces of information, but we had something substantial today! I had from the beginning suspected that suppressing her powers had altered the course of nature, altering history as a result. 'Nature balances itself', as Irene used to say. What was taken from Angelica was handed to William instead, making him the first male prophet. To be a prophet is to speak of the future. Angelica only seems to hold memories of the past… I guess the witch didn’t take that part. Or with so many things triggering her, they came back. Anyway, is this the reason why her blood didn’t do anything to Rayven? I had been wondering about that but since the effect for Skender wasn’t immediate I thought there was still a chance… I still wonder if it does something… poor Angelica, I feel so sorry for her. Her beloved brother, the one she loves most in the world, whom she’s seen suffer so much… she’s the reason for that. Guilt doesn’t understand of reasons and intentions. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t choose it, that her mother made that impossible choice for her and that as bad as it is, it was right, William has much better chances as a man… She’ll feel horribly guilty all the same. Oh, Rayven please come back home now… Is Constantine here to tell her that he has or will get her brother to “help” her comply with his demands? What worries me most is that William will do anything for his sister and if his cover is blown… please Jasmine… let him grow up, not now …. And if they do get him now… Skender please, you need to get your powers…. I have said that the threat to William’s life may be the one thing that will ignite Skender’s defender powers, nothing is stronger than the need to defend your child but… He’s only eleven… it breaks my heart… What will she do now? Will she go with Constantine knowing that she doesn’t, have it? Will she think he will leave her alone and not suspect anything after that? Please, Angelica, don't do anything before talking to your husband, no matter how depressed or worried about William you are... Oh, I am so worried… Constantine is smart, if William himself doesn't expose himself, he will figure out... Rayven please, no horses, teleport back home right now!!!! Also, on another note, it was interesting to find out that her mother didn’t have prophetic abilities… how does it work? Did it skip her? Anyway, thank you Jasmine!!! This novel is so addictive. Can’t believe I will be missing the chapters when they come out because of changes of schedule at work… Anyway, I’ll still be reading them, that’s the important part 😅💕💕


I just…I mean


Some Answers finally, but why does Constantine have to show up now? Please don’t do anything rash Angelica. I don’t think the Witch was able to take away all her abilities which will mean she is in danger, maybe William and her will be able to share the burden at some point. Either way she needs to keep her cool to keep William safe. Also was her mother dieing part of the price?


Wow well we got the truth now!! Wonder if she’ll slowly get her powers back from William? Hes had such a rough hard life😭this knowledge will eat Angelica up! She might let Constantine have her willing now for her blood😬😬


Wow! These chapters- just WOW! I think we all knew Angelica had some trauma in her past but this explained so much, including her fear of bats 🦇


I wish she would just go back inside and ignore Constantine. He cannot get inside so just leave him out there. I worry she will engage with him and somehow the truth will come out. Her prophetic abilities have been transferred but has her blood changed? Can Constantine sense she used to have the powers of he was able to touch her hand. I don’t want him anywhere near her, but what if he tricks her? Does he know She has a brother that can be used against her? And Rayven is all beat up right now. Will he delay his return home to heal a bit so as to not upset Angelica with what happened with Ash? He may want to protect her from more drama, but he needs to returrn home to her soon. He can’t fight Constantine alone, but he can be there to comfort his Angel. I hope Skender doesn’t delay a plan of action to deal with Constantine. He cannot be late this time; it’s his chance to redeem for how he felt by being too late for Ramona. 💔


What a great back story chapter. Now she knows she doesn’t have the power of being a prophetess. I wonder if she has any other powers though. I hope she doesn’t do anything reckless.


Thank you for the information drop!! I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid with Constantine there. She’s not stable enough to deal with him right now. Hope Rayven gets home soon.


Wow, I appreciate the back story. I hope Angel stays safe!


wow Angelica was real prophetess😯 but what happened for her to see this dreams and remember her lost memories?could it be her abilities coming back or Constantine did sth to expose her?🧐


Ummm.... excuse me while I ruminate on this a while.


Angelica always carries such pain for what others go through. Always worrying for William’s lack of parents, dealing with his visions, Rayven’s punishment, and now guilt over being the cause of Williams burden. 😢


Wow what a chapter! It’s still not clear to me why she has dreams about Ramona. Did the witches mess up? 🤔 I’m also worried about Constantine showing up now. Will she want to prove him that she is not the prophetess?


I hope Raven get there so he can protect her


The backstory shed a lot of light on the subject. I am very pleased Skender has William under his care. Angelica’s mother took great lengths to protect her daughter. I would like to know why the prophetic abilities could not be transferred to Angelica’s mother. Did her mother’s friend (whom I have concluded to be a witch) know that the mother would die soon after William’s birth?




Woahhhhhhh. Okay, now we have some context for her fear and for her prophetess qualities. I wish she would call for Rayven so he can comfort her 💗


hope rayven came at the same time angelica was there with constantine


Here we go, Constantine showing up unannounced. Where is hubby Rayven? 😥 Poor Angel is hurting. Having a dream about her past, seeing her mother and knowing that Will is holding her prophetess powers. This was an interesting read, seeing a part ofAngel's past. Thanks Jazzy! 🤩


Jasmine, thanks for the revelation. That Constantine is a hungry pest who will not give up. I hope Rayven catches him in the act of harassing Angelica.