
Chapter 81 part 2

Angelica tried not to look at his reflection in the mirror as he combed her hair. Instead, she tried to calm her by wildly beating her, but that only did the opposite effect of what she wanted. 

"Do you feel better today?" he asked his voice as soft as the brush of his fingers on the nape of her neck. It made her skin tingle. 

"Yes." She breathed. 

"I want to make you feel even better," he said. 

Something about when he spoke in a low and soft tone made his mesmerizing voice even more appealing. 

Make her feel better? Why did her thoughts go the wrong way? Or right? She wasn't sure yet. But sucking her finger certainly made her feel better and even healed her. 

"I… I am alright, My Lord." 

Why was she stuttering? She bit her lip. 

He just smiled and continued to comb her hair. "Your hair is like the sunset," he said observing it. Then he looked up and met her gaze. "And your eyes are impossible to forget." 

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