

I woke up early in the morning and snuck out my room. I used Alfred to sneak me onto my parents balcony like I was Tom Cruise in a specific spy movie. I even got black hide clothing to match.

It came as a surprise to me that when touching Alfred's vines in excitement that I almost froze his vine with a touch.

I have to learn to control the cold aura I give off.

I slowly creeped my way into the bedroom. Alfred already let me know that they were covered up and not doing any funny business. Actually my dad was snoring the morning away.

I continued creeping over and jumped in between them.

No some might ask why I would be doing this at my mental age.

[I am absurdly curious as to these antics but considering you don't do things with out a reason, I'm content to watch]

As I landed, my father sat up revealing his hairy chest and searched the room for intruders.

My mother was even more abrupt, she got up with the fur covering the more delicate bits and began to lower the temperature of the room. It looked like she was preparing a druid spell.

When they both realized it was me they relaxed.

"Sigh.. LOKI WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" My father roared.

My mother looked fairly embarrassed because of her indecentness.

Although I knew they weren't doing anything before I walked in, I never asked Alfred if they were doing anything last night and neither did I care to find out. I can confirm at this point based on my mothers shy expression and her looking for her clearly misplaced garments that some late night shenanigans were going on last night.

Slightly weird but my parents are basically a young couple in my eyes so I'm actively avoiding anything weird in the room.

[Whatever you are doing better be worth it. If not, even I am going to think you have a weird fetish]

"I'm here to check on something and make a deal with you dad", I said in a matter of fact voice.

I'd also like to mention this is likely the first time I've actively seen my father mad at me. Me being confident at this point is pretty nerve wracking. My father practices rage so I can tell he was about ready to rip apart whatever perceived as a threat to him and his wife.

"What kinda deal?", my mother said cutting the tension. She was still extremely embarrassed, but cast some kind of soothing spell on my father.

They knew I am not the type to do things with no reason.

"Before I get to that, there's something I gotta check." I said while reaching my hand towards my mothers stomach.

I quickly life scanned my mothers stomach and focused on my mother's womb.

Behind me I can feel more rage, but my mother put her hand up to say it's all right.

"Just as I thought," I said aloud.

"What can you possibly have found there?" My father asked.

"The possibility for a brother", I said poignantly.

"The possibility for a ...?", He started speaking but then shut it and analyzed what I had said. "You mean your mother is pregnant?"

"No I mean the possibility, but I wanted to confirm something before I said anything", I said. "I think I've found a way to allow mother to have a full and safe pregnancy without issue. This is only a possibility and it might be a bust, I would like to try".

"Loki, the druids have tried all sorts of ways but the only method that worked out was the one your grandmother came up with and since then it hasn't worked," my father said looking at my eyes I all seriousness.

"I know that is why I needed to confirm something first on my own and with mom right now. Mom do you get random weakness every few days or so", I asked mother.

She thought for a moment and said, "yes I do actually, I thought that had to do with normal female things". Obviously she said the last part ambiguously.

Thank God there's no sex Ed here and everyone learns things of this nature either through their parents or by themselves. I'm an alchemist so I technically have an excuse to know this information as a five year old.

"Okay that confirms my guess." I looked to dad at this moment. "I need a store front on the main road to turn into my special alchemy store. It will be special because it's dedicated to treating special diseases, ailments, and of course maternity. Give me three months and I'll have a method to get mom pregnant and succeed in delivering the child before I turn six!"

"Loki you are moving very fast here so let me confirm. You want me to give you a store front so that you can treat people and then through that you will figure out a way to give us another child? How can you expect me to just..

"Do it", my mom said fiercely looking at my father with glittering eyes that I swore held stars.

He looked at her confused and asked "Are you sure? The only thing I see here is confidence".

She nodded and said, "I've seen it. It's blurry, but I see there's a possibility for one here. Loki isn't one to brag about his abilities".

I almost forget sometimes how scary these two are. Their blessings both have to do with clairvoyance. One stronger than the other it seems.

[I'm actively blocking Odin's blessing at all times. He can only see a little bit in the future when it comes to you]



Radio silence it is then

In any case that means only my mother can see my future. That's good to know.

"Loki can you explain what you looked for in me. Maybe I can treat it myself", she said to me.

She likely couldn't treat herself, but seeing as this situation has likely made her feel she was barren or had an ailment, she would likely want some answers.

"The problem isn't with you mother. The problem has to do with both conflicting bloodlines. Both bloodlines are killing the child before it can get nutrients from the womb. Therefore your own body ends up absorbing back the remains of the baby after it dies weakening you. I think the druid magic grandma gave you is only prolonging it's existence slightly and the reason I got lucky was a fluke of nature."

I am obviously oversimplifying it here and slightly lying about me.

What's happening here is fairly simple and I arrived at this conclusion recently.

At first I thought conflicting bloodlines meant conflicting genes and that both tribes were separate species all together.

But then I thought, My body is still technically from both tribes so our tribes are technically compatible. So then I thought maybe I'm like a mule, a cross between two different species of horse and donkey.

I pretty much got the Goddess to laugh at me after I proved that idea wrong by checking the viability of my sperm and genitals. Its the reason I was making that joke the other day.

[A five year old touching himself to observe an erection for scientific reasons is something I never thought I would see]

Let's be professional here please. Although I didn't get an erection because I'm still five and haven't hit puberty, the Goddess forgets to mention I was using life sense to observe the cells of my genitalia. I confirmed everything was healthy down there unlike in the case of a mule.

I am not a hybrid. So then what does conflicting bloodlines mean which is how I came up with my current hypothesis. Like demon beasts who have evolution and mana going hand in hand to provide abilities, so to do humans.

The giant bloodlines are literally magical so even though the genes may match the soul will be snuffed out once a zygote implants itself on the mothers womb.

Basically, everything up to that point of conception is normal because the genes match but the second a soul begins forming, the magical abilities of the bloodlines try and affect the soul and come in contact.

That's a whole lot of mumbo jumbo so basically mom can't have a kid because the magic in both bloodlines kill the soul before the body has a chance to grow.

How did I not die from the conflicting bloodlines? Because my soul was sufficiently strong enough to handle the change and I had already entered the body after the most dangerous phase I believe. Obviously this is all conjecture so proving this and finding a solution is my priority number 1.

"Okay Loki, we have a royal store front that was set up for us. Every king has one. I never used it, but if you would like to take ownership of it you can go ahead and do so."

Before I could celebrate I felt a hand on my waist. Then suddenly the world went upside down and I was thrown out the room toward the door way. I of course used evasive maneuvers to prevent damage by putting my feet first but it looks like I didn't need to because a breeze caught me and protected me as I was brought outside calmly freaking out the guards and maid outside.

Oh a mothers love.

"Love you guys. Make sure you dress up nicely for breakfast", I said aloud while running to the dinning hall.

"LOKIII!" I heard a voice behind me

"Who is this loki fellow, I wouldn't wanna be that guy."

Next chapter