
Sif and Nix

I woke up next morning refreshed. I was laying in my ornate wood bed. My pillow is as cold as can be.

With my eyes half open I turn over to my other side away from the edge. I see a gold light shimmering in front of me. I open my eyes wide and I see the most preposterous thing in front of me.

A girl about my age with golden blonde hair is laying in front of me. She was wearing leather pants and a white blouse. She was about my age so she had no curves and still had a bit of baby fat around her face.

She had blue blue eyes. Mine were like the sky while hers was like the ocean.

Cherry cheeks and fair skin. Not a single blemish to be had.

"Um hello?" I said hoping for a response as to why she's staring at me in my room no less.

[Isnt that a man's fantasy to wake up to a beautiful woman]

You aren't wrong, but first off, she's as young as this body therefore not a woman. I have zero attraction to her. In fact, her presence makes me feel like FBI is about to swoop in any second now. Secondly, how did she get into the palace?

"Hiya Loki, I'm Sif!"

"You are very excited. Mind telling me why your in my bed?"

"My dad said it's not polite to wake people up and all the boys except for Nix run away from me so I thought I'd just wait for you to wake up."

I honestly don't have a counter argument at her pureness so I decide to do the gentlemanly thing and turn around to try and hop off.

Then I heard her saying, "Aww your leaving too?"

I turned my head and asked her, "too, as in you've hopped in other peoples beds before?"

"Yea I woke up Nix this morning like that as well but he didn't find it funny or nice," she responded.

[ignorance is bliss]

I needed to remedy this now.

"Sif, it's not right to wait in a boys bed for the boy to wake up," I said trying to be careful with my words.

She looked honestly confused and asked, "Why?"

"Because boys and girls are different—

"It's also not polite to enter a boys room without him knowing", a voice behind my blinds said while clearly walking in uninvited.

What is goin on today?

[Fiest fiesta party party!!]

A boy likely three years older than me opened the blinds.

He had a lean build, silver hair. He was even a bit taller than me. I saw a large hunting knife strapped to his back and he was sporting hide clothes with fur accenting certain areas.

"Sorry to walk in unannounced but this one got away from me. My name is Nix," he said.

Raising my hand I said, "it's fine, actually if you two want you guys can walk over to my study area. There's a balcony I usually take guests in. Give me a few minutes to freshen up. Alfred will serve you some tea."

Nix looked at Sif, and she shivered from head to toe. She then turned to the other side if the bed and hopped off, and began walking to the study with Nix.

"Okay then Alfred Im gonna need a quick session this morning," I said aloud.

Suddenly, roots and vines appeared all around me grabbing and moving objects out of the room.

One lifted me while another began pouring water in a wash basin. Another vine gently removed my clothes and another brought the basin closer.

Sever vine like hands scrubbed me, dried me with towels, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and dressed me in that order, using objects around the room.

The roots and vines receded putting everything back in place.

"3 minutes and 47 seconds, a new record Alfred. I'll be sure to pack you in with so nice fertilizer tonight," I said aloud.

Now then looking at the casual royal outfit Im wearing, I nod to Alfreda fashion choices for a tree and head to my study.

Or what was left of it. I saw books and glass jars filled with some of my expensive personally ordered equipment laying around. I saw specimens and nots jotted everywhere.

How did this happen in three minutes. Then I saw the culprit who was the little girl staring at a recognizable black potion bottle.

My heart almost jumped out my chest.

Alfred stop her and clean this up i telepathically told him.

Suddenly roots and vines appeared everywhere constructing Sif in place while grabbing everything and organizing it quickly and efficiently.

I slowly walked up to side who had her mouth bound and grabbed the bottle of corrosive potion.

She looked astounded on what just happened.

Nix was in the corner shocked as well.

"Now then Sif, this bottle you were touching has one of the most dangerous poisons I've ever concocted. Should you have released it and been contaminated..." I said while giving a live demonstration by opening the bottle and pouring a drop of it on a lose paper in the corner.

The drop bored through the paper and made a hole in the table.

She looked scared now.

"Don't touch anything in this lab, you might get very hurt." I said with a smile.

She nodded obediently and Alfred took the liberty of dropping her in a chair outside.

Nix shortly followed and found a seat. This balcony had space for four chairs.

I found my seat in another spot.

"So Nix, going of the color of your hair, I'm assuming your Elder Aegir and Elder Skadi's child and Sif you must be Elder Ullr's Daughter", I said to them both.

They both nodded.

"Perfect, nice to meet you guys. I'm Loki, don't call me prince this or warrior that. I'm just Loki to you guys", I said with a smile.

"My dad told me you were extremely intelligent and that I should learn from you as a friend and protect you like your shield brother", Nix said getting up.

As he was about to kneel I stood up and held him up. I quickly grabbed his right hand and interlocked our hands and shook.

"There's no need for a ceremony, just shake my hand. I'll be in your care", I said friendly.

Nix although confused at first, got the gist of it and smiled back, "Likewise".

"I want a shake too!" Sif said in protest.

Nix and I both looked at each other and laughed.

"Maybe when your a bit older Sif, there's no need to dedicate your life to me in fraternity yet while your so young", I responded to Sif.

I'm not joking here. Nix and I just made a bond of brotherhood. I know his goal is to carry his parents legacy and become a general and as his future king, it would be smart for him to do this early. Im sure Aegir or Skadi told him to do this as well. I don't mind either because this benefits me as well. Being close to your generals is the calling of a king.

"For now why don't you tell me how you guys got in my room," I asked.

"Well your maid let us in as soon as she heard we would be staying here".

That wench Hilda

Wait hold on a second. Staying?!

I looked to Nix and asked, "I never knew about this. You guys are staying here?"

Nix then calmly explained, "That's a long story but it goes like this...."


How can my parents be so nice yet so cruel like slave drivers.

These two are to follow me around in the future so my parents and the generals struck a second deal. They would be allowed to stay in the castle and keep me company as a train while I in turn help them train.

Sif is a year younger than me and has some talent as a druid. Since I am a genius Druid, I'm to tutor her in the courtyard on my warrior training days, and teach her basic weaponry at some point.

Nix is easier. He is my sparring partner. Nix is eight years old and already has some experience with a spear, long dagger, and hunting. He is going go toe to toe with me while I practice my warrior training routine. His goal is to prepare enough so that he can complete the trial of Will at nine years old, a year earlier than the average.

Though in my opinion, the trial of Will has nothing to do with training. According to my father, physical training requires Will to persevere so it's a good grindstone to prepare a tribe member for training.

Its the reason why all members of the tribe know a little bit about how to train and use At least one weapon in self defense.

In any case, it looks like my schedule is stacked now.

Basically every day i train at home, Ill have to deal with these two at the same time. The days I am with my new master, they will train alone or with an available elder since I can't be with them. The weekend is our holiday to pursue whatever we want.

All this means that Im a glorified babysitter.

[you are excited admit it]

Okay maybe some company my age wouldn't be too bad.

Next chapter