
The Feast of the Titan Prince

Shortly after my mothers announcement, someone picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

It was my dad.

"A hero needs a good horse to ride into battle don't you think?", my dad said in a comedic tone.

I looked to him and grinned like an idiot, "of course!"

"My brothers and sisters, for the first time in a long time, we have a genius in the tribe who has passed all the trials for our tribe and another's, all in the same day. Not to mention he's done them at the age of five. If that's no reason to celebrate, I don't know what is!" Shouted my dad.

"AYE!" They all screamed in unison.

My father then continued his charge, "Brother Bragi, prepare the bards. Skadi and Aegir should be almost prepared. Let us go forth my brethren to the mead hall with our conquering hero!" At this point he has his hand pointed forward like a sailor spotting land.

I saw my mother putting a hand on her face but smiling.


I've never seen a group of people organize a party so fast. Aegir and Skadi, who are husband and wife apparently, were already in the hall waiting for us.

As you can expect these Elders didn't hold back and began to invite everyone they knew to celebrate. All the cities representatives had just come out of a session to see these idiots pouring themselves some mead and Elder Heimdall beginning to season the beef Skadi brought.

Those people who you would expect to be pompous politicians were dressed in furs and leather just like everyone else and were just as ravenous as everyone else with one exception.

A very short stout man with a long red braided beard. I hear he's the head blacksmith. He's so small he's almost my height which is extremely strange considering that because we're all descendent from giants, we tend to be a bit taller.

This man walked out while eyeing the alcohol and sighing.

Everyone else clamored to fill their tankards with Aegir's Brews.

The cheers and laughter echoed out the castle causing those across the crevasse of lava to be confused as to what was being celebrating.

I was sitting at the head of the table with my parents on both sides protecting me from the temptations of the festivities. I was drinking, you guessed it, juice.

Apparently liquor is still a no go for me.

[Early child brain development is clearly shown to be affected by the ingestion of alcohol]

You think I don't already know that. There are some risks a man makes and that barrel of liquid gold is worth it.

[Just be a normal kid for once]

Im a warrior now, you can't call me a kid anymore!

[Okay warrior boy]

Changing the adjective is still the same!

[Just enjoy your party!]

At this point half the party is singing. I see Elder Heimdall in the corner having a conversation with Ullr while he's cooking. It looks pretty serious so no one is staying close.

Aegir is actually a more nervous fellow. His wife is pretty much dragging him around the party while arm wrestling everyone in a bid to show off her man.

And Bragi... well

"My fortunate and gentlemanly scholars of the arts. I have a new piece of information for you about our your prince...."

That was elder Bragi to some of the most renown bards in the land. Because of his efforts, the people had changed my nickname from Giant to Titan Prince. My enemies picked up on the title of Devious Hand more closely.

Soon my nick names and accomplishments were being talked around the entire realm.

It also added a really good mood to everyone at the feast.

We started partying at around 4 hours past midday. It is now likely two hours after twilight and food was just beginning to be served.

Half the party had already passed out to be reawaken to the smell of food and it's pick me up it provided.

These iron stomach bastards don't stop.

I already hear Elder Njord telling sailors tales as he munched on some game.

My father at this point got behind my seat and lifted me up out of my chair.

I hate being small

"My boy here is a genius and will be stronger than even me HAHA. He will beat all you sons of bitches one day!" Said my dad with what seems like a drunken breath.

"Anyone care to challenge me to drinking competition to prove me wrong."

[Wow proud father alert]

It's astounding how ridiculous to see the king of the tribe cussing and drinking mead.

The funny part about it is every other member of this government is doing it to. How has this tribe survived so far.

These guys are already setting up a private table in the corner with him sitting in it. A betting table is being drawn up with Elder Forseti being the house.

Uncle Ivar somehow snuck up behind me again and asked me to follow him to where Heimdall, Ul, and Aegir were sitting.

"Hello Elders, what can I do for you guys?" I initiated the conversation.

"Quick and to the point. I like it! Do you not enjoy this party," Said Heimdall with a boisterous laugh.

A serious man laughing is very interesting.

"It's not that Elder Heimdall," I said while showing him my tankard.

He then smiled knowingly and kicked Aegir under the table.

"You see we have something we'd like to propose to you." said Ul while looking at me seriously.

I hopped on the bench and asked "oh well if it's anything I can help my elders with, I would be much abliged.

"Good lad!", said Aegir putting his arm over me.

"Well you see, my two compatriots have little ones as well about your age and they need more experience like you. They lack the time required to train them to inherit their names. They were wondering if we can come to an accord to have you train together so that their heirs can carry their name." Said Heimdall.

"Carry their name?", I said confused.

Heimdall taken a bit back then realized who he was talking to and responded, "I didn't realize you didn't know. Okay let's start from this. You are aware that people who are named after the giants are also likely to find their ruin?"

"Yes Elder Heimdall. It's the reason I was named Loki", I said interested.

He continued, "Well ruins, when completed can grant their names too. It symbolizes carrying the mantle of that deity. These two fellows of mine are the sole owners of that title and no longer go by their birth names," he said while pointing to them. "There's some specific rules, but generally those who inherit a mantle want their heirs to inherit it when they come of age. Which is why they've come to you. Their duties as generals and elders keep them busy most of the time, especially Aegir whose wife is in the same position."

"Why can't they just name their kids the same name?" I asked in a genuinely curious way.

Ul interrupted Heimdall and explained with a forced smile, "Because it would be dishonorable. Those who've earned the names of the Giants have all been heroes. To name someone who didn't earn it would be a shame on him and the person he was naming. It is only done for ruins who haven't been discovered yet".

Im pretty lucky then aren't I?

"Why did father not inherit Odín then?" I asked while looking to my father in middle battling it out in a challenge of the liver.

"Because Odin refused to pass down his name to future Kings. He will give his blessing, but the All father was strangely adamant about not having his mantle continued" said Aegir in a very cryptic voice.

I didn't press for more information and just starting weighing in the pros and cons.

"Since you did not know that piece of information I guess you don't know about your mother," said Heimdall.

I quickly became interested. "What about her?"

"Your mother was not born with the name Frigg. We tell that to everyone but most people already know the truth but choose not to say it. She completed the ruin of Frigg only to marry your father so that she would have an Aesir name. Her original name was Freya, one of the chief Giants of the Vanir. She completed her ruin first at a young age. When she was granted both names, she decided her name would be Frigga to represent her connection to both. Because of this, she was granted a peculiar blessings." He said severely.

"What's the blessing?" I asked pressing forward.

"Fertility, Love, Clairvoyance, And Beauty. She has another blessing though that no one discusses" Heimdall continued.

Before I could ask Ul interrupted again and said, "you'll find out from her when she wants you to know."

Closing my mouth I put these thought to the back of my head and began to focus on the deal at hand.

Thinking about it for a moment, I came to a conclusion I lose nothing from this and probably gain two companions.

[Awww Warrior boy making friends already <3]

"I agree but, I have two conditions", I said very seriously.

"Oh do tell", said Ul.

"As you all know, I've been stuck in this Castle my whole life. You are correct I need experience, but more than that I want to see the tribe. I want to see the ocean to the east, the woods of the west and the desert of the south." I said while moving my hands in conjunction with my explanation. "All I ask is that every few years, I'm allowed tutelage under your protection of your domains while I sight see and I'll take your heirs with me on adventures. I know my life is always in danger now so I need a way to convince my parents to let me go"

"That's actually quite easy!" Said Heimdall. He looked to his companions to see them smiling and nodding. "And the second condition?"

I looked toward Aegir and said one word.


Flabbergasted at this Aegir quickly switched my juice cup with mead causing me to grin.

I huddled up to it like it was hot coco on a cold day and took a sip.


"So do we have a deal?" Heimdall asked

"As long as Elder Aegir delivers me a Barrel every two months and teaches me to brew I'll do anything for you". I said in a very joyous manner.

"You are one strange kid, but I'll agree to that" said Aegir sighing.

This wasn't his first time being accosted for his brewing capabilities.

[Police! I see some underage drinking going on]

Don't you dare ruin my good mood!

"Then deal! Send them over to play whenever. I'm gonna be stuck in the castle another few months I believe. We can figure something to do." I said tapping the table.

Next chapter