
The Wickedness Within - 1

He held unto the chain and tugged in it for the soldiers to know they should reel them up. Ruby was secured in his arm but the pain he felt within him had not subsided fully, however, he didn't want to mention it to her. Seth felt confused as to why he was having such a blinding pain. He blinked his eyes as he struggled to see clearly, to dispel the darkness threatening to overtake his vision.

Ruby's head rested on his left shoulder and he was grateful for that, otherwise, she would have seen his struggle. 

Was it because he hadn't rested after returning to the realm of the living? Seth's head throbbed as he landed on the top floor and he wavered a little.

That was when Ruby noticed. 'Are you alright, Seth?" she asked, taking his face in her hand immediately while she looked deep into his eyes and around his face. She touched his temple and noticed how hot his temperature was.

"Come!" she said quickly. "Let's go to our chambers."

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