[Thanks to Ian <3 (4 6)]< p>
Leonel entered the Dream Pavilion with his mind ironically in the clouds. He paused, remembering something then chose to do a check. He wanted to understand why Cindra was so powerful. Soon, he figured it out.
He should have realized it earlier. But this was the first time he was actually meeting such a person in the flesh so it hadn't really sunk in.
Of course, Cindra was a Snow Star Order. Well, that was Leonel's guess, but he was fairly certain that he was actually correct because nothing else made sense.
But this wasn't the only interesting thing he had learned.
Snow Star Order. Stone Star Order. Starry Star Order. Twinkling Star Order. And Golden Star Order.
The names of these Orders were fairly self-explanatory. These were people who had a natural advantage in the control of Lineage Factors related to the Snowy Star Owl, White Stone Elephant, Starry Tailed Fox, Twinkling Light Bear and the Golden Tiger.