

Everything came to a stop. There was no moving forward, no retreating, and everything danced in the palm of Leonel's hand. 

After a moment, Leonel exhaled a breath and shook his head. He looked out into the battlefield once more and his gaze flickered with rage. The casualties were atrocious, almost 10% of the Morales army was either dead beyond his means to revive, or heavily injured. There was another 10% on top of that that were dead and he might have a chance to revive if he was quick enough. 

20% of an army of this caliber and size was a devastating blow, especially when the total had been at 0% for the past several days. These were the most elite of the Morales Seventh Dimensional experts. The only ones missing among them were the Nova Heirs, at Leonels request. Every loss of one was not only one less that they'd have, but it would also be a great detriment to the future potential of the Morales in the short term. 


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