
Spiritual Medium

Leonel immediately felt overwhelmed. 

In order to hide the existence of the Force Law Art, a treasure Leonel was sure that even worlds would war over, he had chosen to keep it within the snowglobe. But, he hadn't taken time to consider the disconnect his mind and body would feel in doing so. 

Leonel felt as though his concept of time had been completely destroyed. As much as he would love to believe that this meant that he had unlocked some new cheat, he knew better than to think this. 

Maybe it was a product of his high Dream Force affinity, but he was quite good at seeing through illusions of the mind. As a result, he could tell that while his mind felt as though time had come to a grinding halt, his body was still very much experiencing it in real time. 

This seemingly small matter resulted in Leonel wasting over an hour before he even thought of gazing at the Force Law Art. 


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