

  "Are you sure you want to do this now, Joseph?"

At that moment, Leonel wasn't the only one observing the situation. It was impossible that he would be. 

To put matters into perspective, there were only eight other Forts of this kind on the whole of Earth. For it to be continuously assaulted by such a large army of Invalids, it was impossible for not only The Empire to be unaware, but for all the other hidden powers of Earth to be in the dark as well. 

However, what was particularly interesting about this crew of observers was the fact that maybe had it not been for Leonel's actions, they wouldn't have been aware of these changes at all, at least not so soon. 

The reason for this became obvious after remembering just who this Joseph was. 

This was Joseph Warner, brother to Damian Warner and the very same man who led the first group of the Slayer Legion Leonel ever met. 

Next chapter