

The day Gallahad and his companion, the fifth rank bishop, William arrived at the central Church of Saints, located at the heart of the Capital as it's one of the landmarks of the city .

As they arrived at the front door of the church in the carriage. Gallahad looked at the centerpiece of circled mosaic glass that was in the middle of twin towers where the walls are painted in light blue.

One of the priests that served at the center Church of Saints waited for them.

"May the Maia-"

"Stop. Let's do our greetings later…" 

Gallahad interjected the priest with his greeting.

"How about the others?"

"The three bishops arrived before you and the Pope was waiting in the meeting room at the top floor."

As he got the information he needed, Gallahad quickly took steps towards the stairs of the elevated Church. 

"Wait~ Gallahad! Wait for me…!" 

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