
Chapter 163


The next day, closer to lunchtime, I woke up and began my treatment. Although, in principle, I have already recovered almost completely. The main thing for me was to restore the ability to use chakra normally. But nevertheless, having healed all the visible damage and all the internal ones that remained, I moved to Nanda Parbat.

Apparently, they have already managed to rebuild everything and the number of people on the island is not less than last time, and even more.

In other matters, I did not come here to fight.

Approaching the "front door", where two ninjas were guarding the entrance, while there were a dozen more guards around us, which were, as they say, "in the bushes", and even more arrived. Remember me.

"Tell Ras Al Ghul that Isaac Dinklage is requesting an audience with him.

The assassins exchanged glances, and one of them went inside. Five or six minutes later, two rather attractive ladies emerged from the main entrance. Lady Shiva, one Sandra Wu-San, in her usual outfit and a girl (in appearance), quite pleasant appearance: tall, slender figure, dressed in a tight black suit, which only emphasizes her dignity, dark hair, brown eyes and a little dark skin (most likely from her mother), and high cheekbones. Now I saw Thalia normally, and not in passing.

I wonder how our father with many children looks like Nissa?

"It's quite unusual to see you, detective, without a weapon and not with the intention of fighting. - Sandra smiled.

"Usually you make me fight. And I'm a peaceful person, actually. But if you want ...

- We do not want a new conflict. - Talia interrupted our sweet conversation.

And her voice is pleasant.

"Then could you escort me to your father, princess? - She nodded silently, and we went inside.

And passing into the very hall where our duel with the Races took place, I saw a completely healthy, vigorous old man who was sitting on his throne.

- Greetings, Ras Al Ghul. I hope I'm not distracting from important matters?

"I think I'll find time to talk to you, detective. I was quite surprised by your desire to talk to me, while you have not yet had time to recover from your wounds after the battle with Ares.

- Well, actually recovered. - I objected. - Everything heals on me like on a Chernobyl dog.

- Interesting comparison. In other respects, this fight impressed many of us as well.

- I was not alone there.

- We saw it. But nevertheless, the fact remains. In other matters, we have moved away from the topic of conversation. Why did you come here after you refused to join the League, and you almost staged a massacre on your last visit.

"Do you know anything about the race that calls itself the New Gods?" - there was a certain recognition in the eyes of Ras, and he immediately tensed, became much more serious. "So one of their leaders, Darkseid, is planning to attack Earth in the near future. I know for sure that the territory of the United States will fall under his arm, but I doubt that only my country will fall under the hot hand of the conqueror. Therefore, I warn anyone I can to avoid unnecessary sacrifices and enslavement of the planet.

- And where does this information come from?

- From a reliable source, which I cannot divulge yet. But maybe somehow in the future.

- HM. Good. We will take note of this.

- Well then, take into account the fact that, as a rule, for the first wave of an attack, Darkseid uses parademons, flying genetically modified creatures, which is much stronger than the average person, he also has a special detachment, one might say the Guard called the Furies, which consists of women , but they are very strong, I think they can even compete with Supergirl or Amazons. I do not know for sure.

- It's all?

- This is what I know. If I had known more, I would have told, it is in my interests too.

"Okay, we'll take part in repelling this attack. I will send my messengers to you a little later to coordinate your actions.

- Got it, soon I will return to Gotham. In the meantime, I'm at Themyscira.

- We know that.

- Then I, perhaps, will go, I will not interfere.

- Thalia, see our guest out.

- Yes, father.

And why is this?

When we almost left their base, she spoke to me:

- Can I ask a question?

- Of course. Which?

A short silence and ...

- Why do you need…

- You.

- Why did you need my underwear?

Damn it! What an awkward question. And I knew that someday she would ask me or try to kill me for that. But after the recent events, he will clearly be wary of me.

Well, what should I say to her? Forgive me, it's not me, it's my clone who decided to play fun with me? Doesn't look serious. You need to somehow get out.

- What do you think? - and a Cheshire smile.

- You do not look like a pervert, although you have a small harem. In other matters, it is difficult for me to understand you and your actions, they seem very illogical, but they justify themselves. Therefore, I can only make one assumption supported by my intuition and life experience.

- Wow, and what?

- Childhood psychological trauma with complications in eye contact and the awakening of primal instincts due to the influence of your power on you. A side effect, so to speak. Therefore, as a result, you took my underwear as proof of strength and superiority not only over me, but also over the League. I'm right?

This is what she gave out, even I didn't really understand anything. But she seems to have translated everything into the philosophy of the League, about their cult of power. Although this will suit me too.

- Yes, there is so little. I am sorry for that.

- Nothing. I'm a loser, even though we didn't cross blades. But I have a desire to return them through a fair fight, without chakra. But a little later, after repelling the invasion.

Yes, this their "assassin's code" will finish me off someday. And she's serious about that. I don't even know if I should laugh or cry at such a plot twist.

This is what a woman's fantasy means, multiplied by the upbringing of the League of Assassins and divided by the impression of me, after her father's fight with me.

- I would not mind. We'll meet again.

- Yes.

And I left as Hiraishin to Temiskira.

I spent the next three days before leaving for Gotham in the library looking over the ancient scrolls. Fortunately for me, I found a lot of information on necromancers and dark magicians. Although the Amazons were mostly recluses, sometimes they were chosen according to different tasks of Olympus, but they were also visited by various "muddy" personalities.

At the same time, I still seem to understand how Pam got pregnant. This is due to the combination of Aphrodite's Blessing and my infusion of medchakra into Pamela, which I began to administer a month before the box incident. After all, according to my plan for her treatment, it was necessary to remove the harmful toxins that had been accumulating in her for years. And that seemed like enough. Yes, unexpected, but nice.

The huge time that I spent searching for information and designing future techniques, I diluted with games with girls and relaxing on the beach. But besides that, I also regularly received experience from clones, which I forced to train control, genjutsu and fuinjutsu. After all, after the events that happened, my chakras increased, but my control did not change. So I'm making up for lost time. The real problem is that with any control training, my chakra also grows. So that there is a stick in two ends.

I was also concerned that my clones do not withstand close combat with a serious enemy. Therefore, I am thinking primarily of a clone woven from darkness. So I really get a "shadow clone". Although before him you still have to think of something and implement this idea.

And on the third day of my stay at Themyscira I got a call ... from Argus.

To be continued…

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