

1975, 1 September.

It had been a while since the cart came by the Compartment, only for all four of them to buy a few things from it.

Willow threw a napkin at Nathaniel after she finished chewing some chocolate, "clean-up, will you! We'll be at Hogwarts soon," she said with a hint of annoyance.

"You two are very different from what I expected from dark wizards," Willow said. Corvus raised an eyebrow, "what are you yapping about now, mudblood?" Corvus responded. She glared at him.

Polaris sat silently watching, putting another piece of Bertie's jellybean in his mouth.

Corvus spoke again, dropping the bag of sweets he was holding and pointed his hand towards her, "Would you shut up about dark wizards? You know, if you said that to my cousin, I doubt he wouldn't hex you. It's annoying and rude. What do you even classify as dark?" He scoffed before looking away, grabbing the bag of sweets in his hands again, "Such a Gryffindor", Corvus whispered in disgust.

Willow narrowed her eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?! Slytherins are such a problem. They're all slimy gits! I am going to be a proud and worthy Gryffindor, so don't try to disrespect my future house."

'I wonder why there have to be dark families and light families. I really don't see what's so bad about 'dark' magic. Light and dark magic is all the same, is it not? Both being magic, you can use light to do bad, just as you can use dark magic to do good, so what's the big deal?'

"Slytherins are a problem?" Corvus repeated, trying to make sense of the sentence, "aren't Gryffindors the ones who get in trouble to most?" he spoke again before turning his gaze to his friend.

"Right, Polaris?" Corvus drawled.

Polaris nodded along before responding. He threw his arm around Corvus dramatically, "My dear friend here is completely right. Gryffindors are incompetent. You could have a room full of Gryffindors working together to complete a simple test, and they'd probably have it finished a day later and still not pass it."

Corvus smirked.

Willow scrunched her face in annoyance.

"Do you guys want any more chocolates?" Nate mumbled through his full mouth.

They all shook their heads.

Willow was about to make another remark but was interrupted by Nate, "I think I'm going to be sick!" he said, leaning forward.

Polaris's eyes widened. Oh no…



The three of them walked off the train with scowls on their faces while Nate followed close behind, apologising.

"It's not my fault! It just came out; I wouldn't have made it to the toilet in time anyways!" He complained.

"-And I'm sorry, Pol… you know... about your shoes, but at least you could change them, right?"

"It's Polaris, not Pol." Corvus all but spoke for him.

Polaris tried hard to hide the smile fighting from appearing on his face when remembering how loudly Willow had shouted that the Hufflepuff prefect had to come to check on us.

"You bloody bafoon, why did you eat so much chocolate if you were just going to throw it back out!" Willow hissed back towards Nate. Nate scratched his cheek nervously, being used to such.

"Mum never lets me have that much! I didn't know that would happen," he said quietly, taking longer steps to stand by their side instead of talking to their backs.

"Firs' years, leave your trunks over here, then follow me", a voice bellowed from nearby.

It was jam-packed. There were so many people in one place. As people fumbled out of the Hogwarts Express, the first years all walked together.

"Firs' years! Firs' years! This way to the boats," the voice bellowed once again, Polaris looked towards the voice, and his eyes widened, 'he's-'

"Bloody huge!" Willow shouted, staring up at the large figure.

'Took the word right from my mouth'.

"You've got that right", Corvus muttered.

"I remember my brother mentioning him. I didn't think he'd be that tall," Polaris whispered to them as they walked with their fellow first years.

"That's Hagrid. My sister talked about him. He's a half-giant or something, isn't he" Nate whispered.

"A half Giant? How the bloody hell does a wizard and a giant-" Corvus muttered under his breath in deep thought.

Polaris elbowed his friend, "You know it could have been a witch and giant too" as he said this, both boys struggled to keep their laughter in.

A grin then appeared on his face as the boats came to view. "Bloody brilliant, c'mon, gang", Nate called out as he raced for a boat. Corvus and Polaris shared a glance before speaking at the same time, "Gang?" it left a distaste in their mouths, "Merlin, no. He's an idiot if he thinks we'll be friends with him. Besides, we'll be in Slytherin, while they'll most likely be Gryffindors," Polaris noted.

'Gang? Surely we won't be riding in the same boat as them?'

"Alright, firs' years, three or four to a boat, come on now."

Willow flushed in embarrassment as some first years looked at Nate with confusion as he yelled, running ahead of them as Hagrid spoke, but Willow still ran after him.

Corvus began walking towards the direction the boy had run, "Bloody idiot", Corvus muttered, making him snort in amusement as he just followed him. The boats already filling up, and people avoiding Nathaniel's boat, which Polaris didn't blame them for.

"You'd think you'd get used to it by now after spending like 9 hours with him", Polaris whispered to his friend.


The two calmly seated in the boat were Willow and Nathaniel were sat, as they moved along with the other boats in sync in the same direction.

"What would happen if we fell in the lake?" Nate asked nervously as he looked slightly over the edge. Corvus grinned at that. The Sayre heir afraid of water?

"Well, obviously, the giant squid will eat you", Corvus responded as a matter of fact. Nate frowned, "you're lying. There are no giant squids" Nate stated as he lifted his head high, not being able to believe a word the boy said.


The door swung open, attracting the attention of all the first years that waited outside the door waiting to be sorted.

A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there glancing over the new faces. She had a very stern look on her face that reminded Polaris of his mother, sending shivers down his spine.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take it from here".

The robed woman pulled the door wide open; the entrance hall was large, and it was impressive. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches, with a ceiling too high to make out. A magnificent marble staircase faced the newcomers, which led them to the upper floors.

"Good evening, students. Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Professor McGonagall, Head of the Department of Transfiguration and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts. Very soon, we will move into the great hall and begin the sorting ceremony, where you will be sorted into one of the four houses that represent the founders of Hogwarts. They are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff-"

Willow elbowed Polaris, drawing his attention to her, and she whispered, "She definitely said the houses in order of the best, meaning Gryffindor is the best", she whispered very lightly with a smirk.

Polaris rolled his eyes, "The best my arse, halfling", he sneered in a hushed tone. She glared at him, "Cousin-fucker", she whispered with a bright smile. He choked on his spit… gaining the attention of all around him. As he coughed, he could hear some snickers around.

Looking straight ahead again, he saw the stern look of the Professor, "Ah, it would seem that you're finished your little conversation, Mr Black. Hopefully, you won't be taking after your brother Sirius Black if you continue like this," The woman said.

"Sorry, Professor", Polaris quickly replied, slightly flushed at the situation.

Willow looked away, trying to hide the smile on her face.

"That goes for you too, Miss Smyth, although I'm sure your father would be unfortunately proud".

Willow turned her head and gave a sheepish smile, wondering how the Professor even knew who she was.

With that, the Professor continued, "As I was saying, all four houses have long and glorious histories, and I expect all of you to try and add to the achievements of your house. Once you are sorted into your respective houses, you will be representing them during your time here at Hogwarts. Succeed and do well,w and you will earn your house points. Mischief will coat your house points." She looked at every one of them as she spoke.

"At the end of the year, the points are tallied and whoever has the most points win the house cup. For those who end up in Gryffindor, I will be expecting the best behaviour out of you, as I am the head of Gryffindor, and I do not like to be embarrassed. All of that aside, don't worry about your belongings; they will be delivered to your dorms before you get there."

Turning, she marched through the doors, "Come along now", she called out.

As she said this, Willow took the opportunity to shove Polaris out of her way as she took the lead in the group of first years.

He fought himself not to run up to her and do the same but harder.

The first years followed the Professor along the long hallway. As they got closer, Polaris could hear voices, which he assumed must be the rest of the students of Hogwarts. He looked around, looking at the faces, wondering where Corvus had run off, too. The hall was filled with unending chatter. As he scoured the crowd of first years, someone met eyes with him and took that to start off a conversation.

"Excited?" the unknown boy asked him. Polaris hummed, uninterested. The boy didn't look familiar, so he was likely not a pureblood, so why waste his time with someone useless?

Ignoring the boy, he pushed past a few students heading forward.

The Professor opened the door widely. A great hall stood before them. Four long tables filled with witches and wizards occupy most of the hall's space. On the far side of the hall was a long table full of older witches and wizards. In the middle was a tall wizard with an enormous grey beard, an equally tall, pointed hat, and half-moon glasses.

'Dumbledore, he looks exactly as how Sirius and Regulus have explained'.

Corvus nudged Polaris, removing him from his thought as the students had begun to make their way forward. Where had he come from?

Polaris glanced around the hall, but something caught his attention over at the Gryffindor table, his brother… Sirius was waving his hands over in his direction like a maniac, with a large grin. Only a second later, a girl with red hair started giving out to him with hushed whispers. The tips of Polaris' ears turned red from embarrassment as his brother yelled his name.

'That idiot, is he trying to embarrass me on purpose?'

"He's an idiot, no offence, Pol." Polaris just nodded at Corvus' comment, not seeing a lie within it.

Before the great table was a small four-legged wooden stool that had an old worn hat with several patches sitting on it.

He hadn't even realised how his heart was beating so fast. What if he didn't end up in Slytherin?

Once the first years had gathered at the front of the hall, the hall was now silent. The witches and wizards sat at their tables were all facing the hat, waiting. The first years as well decided to stare at the dusty hat.

Then suddenly, the hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth – and the hat began to sing:

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find.

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head.

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So, try me on and I will tell you.

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart.

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patients Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil.

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The whole Hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song. It bowed to each of the four tables and then became quite still again.

'So that is what will decide the house you belong in', Polaris thought.

"Do we seriously have to put that thing on our heads? Do they even clean that thing?" Corvus whispered into Polaris's ear, and Polaris smiled weakly.

"I guess? doesn't seem too bad", Polaris whispered back. Corvus scoffed.

Professor McGonagall now stepped forward, holding a long roll of parchment, before speaking, "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted", she said.

"Abeles, Christopher!".

A pink-faced boy with short blonde hair stumbled out of the grouped first years, put on the hat, which fell right down over his eyes, and sat down. A moment's pause – "HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat.

The table on the right cheered and clapped as Christopher went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table.

"Avery, Corvus!".

Corvus smirked, looking towards Polaris before heading to the hat, "I guess I'll see you in Slytherin", he whispered to Polaris as he left. Polaris offered him a small nod.

Corvus strode towards the hat with confidence. The hat was sat on his head for no longer than a second before yelling,


The table on the far left broke into loud cheers and applauds as they got another Avery, making it three Averys.

The names continued to be called out until it finally got to Polaris's name.

"Black, Polaris!".

Polaris's heart sank once his name was called; he took a small breath as he began to walk forward.

Slytherinslytherinslytherinslytherinslytherinslytherinslytherinslytherinslytherinslytherin- Slytherin, he had to be in Slytherin. He didn't want to be a disappointment like Sirius. He was better than Sirius, he was a true Black, and a true Black was a Slytherin.

As the name was called out, two boys with very similar looks leaned forward with anticipation.

Once the hat was placed on his head, he was left looking at the black inside of the hat. He waited anxiously.

'Hmm,' said a small voice in his ear.

'What do we have here? Another Black I see, not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes – and a nice thirst for knowledge, now that's interesting … So where shall I put you? Hmm, Ravenclaw? Maybe Slytherin?' Polaris gripped the edges of the stool as his heart pace quickened at the thought of being anywhere but Slytherin.

'You can't put me in Ravenclaw, just put me in Slytherin and be done with it.'

'Slytherin, eh?' said the small voice. 'I can see you doing great things in Ravenclaw. Yes, I think Ravencla-'.

'NO, Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin! Put me in that damn house. It's where I belong. I am a Black! I will not be a second disgrace… please. Just put me in Slytherin. I don't bloody care if you think I belong in Ravenclaw. I need Slytherin!'

He didn't hear the hat anymore. Was it broken? It honestly felt as though his heart had lept from his heart to his throat. He waited in anticipation. Would the hat take his consideration to heart- for goodness sake, it didn't even have a heart!

Finally, after a few seconds, he heard the hat once more.

'If so, I suppose I will allow it… are you sure you do not wish for R-'

'Slytherin,' he thought once more, cutting the hat off.

"SLYTHERIN," the hat announced out loud, calming Polaris's heart and sighed in relief. He took the hat off and headed straight for the table that was cheering and clapping, unaware of the saddened eyes on Sirius Black's face.

Polaris sat gracefully beside Corvus at the table. Not too long after, the names finally finished being called out, and everyone had been sorted.

The hall was filled with laughter and chats. As the sorting was over, everyone started to get their fill of the meal.

"You know I heard they have ghosts haunting most of the toilets in the school", Corvus mumbled through the food in his mouth. Polaris raised his brow.

"Corvus Alerion Avery, my mother didn't teach you to eat with your mouth open," a feminine voice snapped from behind beside them.

Corvus's eyes widened in surprise, then he rolled them, "Yes, yes, cousin, I'll do well to remember my table manners" He responded with a drawl, waiting for her to leave him alone.

"You better do well to remember. If I sent a letter back home, there would be no doubt Father would have you taking etiquette lessons throughout the holidays," she snarkily replied. "Now, I hope you aren't going to go around making friends with the wrong sort", she plainly stated. With that, before Corvus could give a snarky reply, Polaris interrupted.

"It's lovely to see you again, Aura, don't worry. Corvus won't be making friends with the wrong sort," Polaris said to the blonde, smiling politely.

She seemed to approve of this since she was smiling, "Polaris, how lovely of you to join us in the Noble house of Slytherin. You were on that stool for a long time. I was starting to think you were going to be another version of your lovely brother, the Black heir".

"I'll have yo-" Polaris cut off Corvus.

"Now, now I wasn't there for more than 10 seconds. I'm a proper Black. Where else would I have gone?" he bantered. She hummed, her arms crossed as she spared one glance at her cousin, "I suppose Corvus could learn some manners from you."

"I'm right here!" Corvus spat out.

"Don't worry, I'll have him kept in order. After all, he is my friend," Polaris stated. With that Aura, Avery left their side with a polite smile.

Polaris turned back to the table and continued eating, "Why would I need to be kept in line!?" Corvus muttered in disdain.

"The gall of her", he whispered towards him; Polaris just sighed.

"You're acting as though she's terrible. You got lucky with that. My cousins are well dreadful, not to mention one of them ended up getting disowned," Spoke Polaris, "such a disgrace."

"Oh yeah, I suppose you're right. You've got it worse than me." He leaned over towards Polaris and whispered, "I've heard how crazy Bellatrix Black is- well, Bellatrix Lestrange, are you okay?" he asked with much concern.

With that, He could help burst out laughing. Why did he have to be that dramatic?

'Why am I even laughing?'

"I suppose she does have her moments that you think she's crazy, but it's not too bad. It's not like I have to see her very often. After all, she's married", Polaris spoke.

"Oh well, you know what I wish first years were allowed to do?" Corvus asked.

Polaris shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, what?".

"Be able to bring our own brooms, oh and be able to try out for Quidditch".

"I wouldn't mind having my own broom, but I don't care for the sport," Polaris replied nonchalantly.

Next chapter