

1975, 28 March.

Polaris shook with excitement, and with one handful of floo powder, Polaris stepped into the fireplace.

Throwing the floo powder towards the ground, just as he did so, he spoke out "Diagon Alley," carefully pronouncing the words, with no mistakes to ruin the day.

With that, he was transported through the network and arrived at Diagon Alley. He stepped, dusting himself off to see both his father and, unfortunately, his mother, who wished he had just stayed home.

Of course, Walburga had her pureblood mask on just as Orion did, although he was more natural.

Polaris couldn't help but think, then, 'I'm pretty sure mothers face is stuck like that. It's the face I see every single time I look at her. It really couldn't kill her to relax her face, now would it'.

'Wait… did I somewhat insult mother? Dang it! Sirius really is a bad influence.'

He couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.

Walburga stood tall, back straight, as she held the Hogwarts list in her hand before she turned to slam it into Orion's hand.

'Poor father doesn't even know what's going on, I could tell by the small twitch on fathers' eye, which mother ignored completely. I'm sure father would rather be in his office signing off notes. He wouldn't even be here if I didn't beg him'.

Walburga gripped his shoulder and started leading him out towards the streets before she spoke in her knowingly stern voice, "Right then, your father will head out and collect the equipment you need and anything else he seems to think you need. You and I will be getting you fitted for your robes for school. By the time we're finished, your father should also be finished, and we'll get your wand".

'Right, sounds like a plan then… but when am I getting a pet?'

His father had already left. Polaris watched his retreating figure before he turned his attention to his mother. Seeing her already ahead of him, he picked up his pace. Finally catching up to her. He spoke.

"Mother, may I also get a pet?" Polaris asked hopefully.

She didn't even look in his direction, "I suppose if you wish for it, although I rather it be anything other than a toad", she said with obvious distaste.

"Of course, mother".

'Of course, she wouldn't want me to get a toad, although I wouldn't want a toad myself.'

"Walburga!" a snobbish voice called out.

They were already on their way towards 'Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions' when a dark-haired woman with a dark-haired child caught them.

"Luciana, what a pleasure to see you," His mother said with a pinched smile that was forced as she air-kissed the woman on the cheek.

Polaris took a few glances between the pair of dark-haired brunettes trying to rack his head around who they were. They were obviously 'worthy' enough for his mother to know them, so they're obviously purebloods. He couldn't exactly remember if he had met them at any functions.

While the mothers talked amongst themselves, the unknown dark brunette took it upon himself to introduce himself, "Kalen Nott, pleased to make your acquaintance", the boy said nonchalantly, stretching his hand outwards.

Polaris took the hand and shook it, "Polaris Black, I suppose you'll be starting Hogwarts this year as well?" with that, they both dropped their hands to the side.

Kalen nodded his head, "Yes, I will be. I'll be the last joining now" the boy continued the conversation.

"Ahh, so am I. Hopefully, it's as good as they make out to be," Polaris drawled, not particularly interested in continuing the conversation.

"Hmm, hopefully so... then have you gotten a wand yet then?" Kalen asked, his eyes wandering somewhere else, uninterested himself.

"Not as of yet. That'll be the last thing I'll be getting, I'm not too sure I'll even be getting it today, but my mother and I are off to get my clothes fitted," Polaris answered, looking to his mother to confirm.

Walburga glanced to her son, then back to the woman, "That's right, he still has yet to get fitted. We really should be going now," His mother said.

Walburga sighed dramatically, "I am sorry to cut this short. You know how it is with boys. Let's get together for tea soon, alright?"

"Of course," Mrs Nott said as she air-kissed Walburga goodbye and left his son. Both Polaris and Kalen gave each other short nods as they both went their separate ways.

As we continued on, Polaris heard his mother mutter, "Merlin, I hate that woman", leading them towards Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

Polaris stopped himself from snorting. He would never understand purebred women. Why were they all nice to each other if they couldn't even stand each other?

The two Blacks had been getting his clothes fitted for approximately half an hour, and he couldn't help but feel fatigued. He couldn't say he was bored, mostly since there were many thoughts threading through his mind keeping him busy.

He found wondering and thinking as some sort of safe haven. It makes it feel as though time has flown by when it could feel longer.

Madam Malkin had taken all different types of measurements. While his mother told her everything she wished to have done, being her extra self, she added unnecessary things.

His mother decided best that he needed to get a whole new wardrobe for Hogwarts, which he, of course, Polaris found highly unnecessary, but here he was getting fitted for casual wear after getting suited for robes for all different kinds of occasions.

Walburga picked the colour scheme, which is the go-to for most purebloods, such as black and greys. Polaris ended up insisting on some maroons as well and some deep blues to the mix, which, surprisingly, his mother didn't mind. He had expected to have to argue with her to get his way.

'I thought going shopping for Hogwarts would be more thrilling, but it's quite anticlimactic… Father is getting all my equipment which I rather have done myself, while I have to stay with mother to get unnecessary clothing. If I argued with mother, she'd end the discussion with 'I rather you not waste my time' and probably give me a death glare.'

'At least I'll get my wand by myself and get to choose a pet. I suppose those are way more fun than getting equipment. Walking around for who knows how long sounds tiring. Was I getting that old? My back was aching from standing in one place for too long….'

Before he knew it, they were finished.

"Don't worry, Lady Black, the order should be done by tomorrow evening and sent the very next day", Spoke Madam Malkins towards his mother.

Polaris began to walk towards the door slowly as they spoke. Taking small steps until he reached the door… Then he slipped out without a word.

'I think Sirius would be proud.'

He left the shop swiftly, heading straight towards 'Magical Menagerie', the shop that sells magical pets.

'Finally, I can get an owl.'

The streets weren't busy. They're usually busier when it's closer to when Hogwarts starts. It was only 28 March. There were about 6 months until then, which is a long period of time.

'I suppose it's better to get everything needed earlier than having to rush, and Blacks don't rush.'

As he leisured through the streets, he found himself stopping at 'Flourish and Blotts' and decided to take a look.

Before he knew it, he was in one of the corners of the shop facing a bookshelf with a large book in hand.

It wasn't all that great. He closed the book and then pushed it back into the slot he took it out of. Turning around, planning on leaving, he ended up bumping into someone, more specifically, a pissed off girl.

She was sitting on the floor glaring at Polaris, "Will you just let me sit here, or maybe you're a mudblood without manners and have no decency to help me up" she spoke curtly, which started to give Polaris a headache.

His eye twitched at her insult. He wasn't a mudblood.

"Right", Polaris muttered, holding out his hand.

The girl started to brush the dust off her skirt as she was now on both of her feet.

"I do apologise. It was a simple accident, which I will do well in the future the prevent from ever happening again, ms." Polaris wasn't trying to make any enemies before he even got to Hogwarts.

The girl pierced her lips as she glanced back to the boy who had knocked her over, narrowing her eyes as if assessing him. She then lifted her head with a smirk.

"I'm Elora Parkinson, scion of the Noble House of Parkinson, pureblood," she said arrogantly as though she had some leverage over him.

He, too, smirked. He grabbed her right hand and placed a small peck against it, remembering his manners from those etiquette lessons, "It's a pleasure to make you acquaintance. I'm Polaris Black, scion of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, pureblood," He replied back to her introduction. He smiled triumphantly as he saw how her lips twitched at his emphasis on ancient, clearly pointing out his house was older than hers

Elora Parkinson, youngest and only daughter of Lord Parkinson, of his three children. He had heard of her, from others. He knew that she would be attending Hogwarts this year as well, just as he was. He watched her pull back a strand of her hair behind her right hair. He wasn't sure what colour it was, perhaps brown, yet it reminded him of honey… honey brown?

She was staring at him with her blue eyes, which resembled the sky. Had she said something?

"Scion Black?" she whispered, with a slightly flushed face. He smiled awkwardly, "Polaris is fine, Scion Parkison."

She smiled a confident smile, her straight teeth showing, "Then Elora is fine too."

"Are you going to Hogwarts this year too then?!" she asked excitedly, happy she was talking to another pureblood, a Black at that. He could see the excitement brimming from her, and he snorted while nodding. "Yes, I will be. I suppose you are excited for our first year?" his tone teasing, his amusement showing.

"Sorry about that… I'm just excited to be finally going to Hogwarts".

"That's fine. I'm excited as well, even if I may not look like I am. I have two older brothers, Sirius, whose fifteen right now, and another brother, Regulus, who's fourteen. It's usually dull having to be home alone with my mother and father while they're away living their life at Hogwarts." He spoke.

She nodded understandingly, "I completely understand what you mean. I'm also the youngest of three, my older brother William is in his fifth year, so I'm guessing he's in the same year as your brother Sirius and then there's Alexander, he's in his third year. I came with my mother, and you?"

"I came with both my mother and father, but we separated from my father at the start to have my clothes ordered."

Elora spoke again, "I'm actually doing the shopping for it now since it was my birthday last week. My mother thought it best to go shopping now. She didn't want to go when it was too close to the starting date for Hogwarts, seeing as it was more likely to bump into mudbloods" her voice was uncaring and lax as he glanced behind her after hearing a tumble.

There was a boy who looked the same age as them, books scattered around him, with two adults trying to help him. "Are you even sure these are the right books, Adam?" the man asked the child on the floor, who groaned, "Dad! Just look at the list. They're all there. Tell him, mum!"

"You know I didn't bring my glasses", The man muttered, "He's right, dear. These are the books that are supposed to teach him to be a witch." The woman answered for her son, "Mum! I'm not a witch. I'm a wizard. Witches are girls. You guys are embarrassing me!"

"There's one now. Pft, a witch, she said" Polaris turned his head as he couldn't help but grin as he tried not to laugh, but just let it out when he heard Elora herself laugh.

"They're quite amusing little things aren't they" she mused as she turned to see the books being carried in their arms now.

"…Not really. My brother Regulus does say they're annoying and ask too many questions, questions that could be answered by just reading a book. Can't say I've met many mudbloods. Well, I better be off. I'm sure my mother is looking for me." As he spoke, he took her hand like before and placed a kiss on it.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Scio- Elora."

" I'll see you at Hogwarts, Black!" she called after him as he made his way towards the door.

He flinched at her squeaky voice.


Not too long, he found himself where he had planned to go initially, in 'Eeylops owl Emporium. I've only entered the shop, and an Owl had already caught his attention. Seeing as he walked in, the owl itself flew over to him and landed on my right shoulder, hopefully not damaging his frock coat.

Every feather on the bird was black.

"You're a pretty bird, aren't you" he whispered to it as he gently touched its feathers, only for it to bite him.

"Ow," Polaris muttered and glared at it.

The owl itself glared at Polaris with its yellow eyes.

"… Handsome?" he tried to correct, which was supposedly correct after it snuggled into his neck.

"Ahh, I never thought I'd see the day that Black-banded Owl would choose an owner".

Polaris turned my head to the shopkeeper.

"Has sh- he been here for long?" He asked the man, and he chuckled.

"Quite an owl, he's not the best to work with, didn't like anyone who'd try to buy him. I suppose he has a problem of biting when he doesn't get his way, but alas, he has chosen you."

"Chosen me?" Polaris slowly repeated back, what was he a wand? He's probably just trying to get rid of it.

"Yes, yes, these types of Black-Banded Owls are quite stubborn. It's a miracle he wishes to go with you. It would be a shame if you didn't buy him".

He grinned lightly. As the Owl moved to her forearm, he stared silently at the bird and whispered, "I think I'll name you Orpheus".

Next chapter