
Don't Want to be Alone, Again

Lee Seng landed on a tree branch and held the tree as his head continued to stare in the direction of the odd presence. A chord of notes played next to him, releasing Lily. The branch swayed under their weight as the wind died.

"Do you feel that?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah." Lily quietly answered. Her eyes glowed a mixture of pink and gold. Years of constantly using Energy Eyesight had made her well adept at it. A black smoky energy caught Lily's attention. She began to say something to Lee Seng when harsh winds kicked in. 

"Argh!" Lee Seng and Lily yelped, fighting to stay on the branch. Lily yelped, losing her footing as she whipped away. Lee Seng turned and released himself, following. He lifted his hand and grabbed her, stabilizing their fall as the entire forest shook. Shouts from Revit caught Lee Seng's attention. 

'This wind came outta nowhere.' Lee Seng thought. 'I should—' 

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