
Catch Up

Lee Seng turned to look at Manny who was in the middle of stifling his laughs. Lee Seng bit his lip and slapped his arm before turning to look at Noah, who was in the middle of processing what the hell just happened. 

"Come on, let's go before I actually start to feel embarrassed." Lee Seng said. Manny removed his hand and grabbed his tray of food. He was beaming a smile that Lee Seng wanted to knock off, but decided not to. The two moved over towards Olivia who had moved further away from the situation. She handed Lee Seng his messy tray and the three moved to the table with their friends.

"Hold up!" Noah shouted. Lee Seng stopped and turned. 

'This guy isn't done, yet?' Lee Seng thought. 

"What?" Lee Seng asked. Noah faced Lee Seng with a tight fist. Noah looked pissed and was trying to hold it in. 

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