
The Reaper

"Ok, close your eyes and follow my instructions. Think upon last night at the moment you made the wish. At first, there will be smoke or fog, but you have to push past that."

Nick did precisely as Shaun instructed, and in seconds, it was as though he was reliving the whole ordeal.

"Holy shit, it worked!" he said excitedly. It was the ultimate cheat code. No wonder Shaun all of a sudden became a straight-A student.

Shaun knew this information was vital, so he sought to keep Nick on track.

"Focus and tell me what you hear."

It was then that Nick heard a woman's voice. She said, "... and for all  your wish queries, please call Nema."

Please call Nema? 

This statement puzzled Shaun; could this Nema person be the woman who gave Nick the rose. If it was her, how would they even contact her? No number or calling card was left behind.


Should they shout her name at the top of their lungs?

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