
Tales of David

Principal Barnabus however frowned, "Cross, mind your language". He reprimanded him but the other twin scoffed. "Mine our language, you just handed away a position that for three years most have desired in this room. And to a first-year who had been here for what? Four months? Where is the justice?"

Shaun could only sigh. He knew that truthfully the brothers had a point. He was not deserving of this position but having gained it, he now had no desire to give it up. It came by chance but now it was his. If the room wanted to paint him as the villain. Fine, he would be the big bad wolf.

The auditorium became even more boisterous. Seeing Shaun beside the other nine chosen did not sit well with them. They had stopped listening to Barnabus altogether. This was unacceptable. Shaun however simply placed his hand into his pocket being as cool as a cucumber. Which only added more fuel to the fire.

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