
Heroic Tale

Bam! Aww! – The man hit the cold ground bleeding profusely but at the very least he was still breathing. Though, he might have a few questions as to why his arms were broken if he were ever to wake. Jamie then turned his attention to those on board who were still holding on for dear life, but now dying aboard the Gutwrencher oddly became their second most fear.

Jamie went straight to the point - "Either jump off-board or stay and take your chances with the bomb. I'll assist if you want to live. But make no mistake I won't be persuading anyone against the latter. You have ten seconds to decide".

Hearing his brother's words, Shaun knew they sounded cold and wanted to say something; but the more he thought of it, the longer they waited the worse the situation became. With each second that went by the odds of the bomb detonating became more plausible.

"Jessie, forgive me!" One father apologized as he pushed his teenage daughter in the direction of Jamie. "Please save her!"

"Dad!" She yelled but within an instant, Jamie had tossed her overboard towards the platform. While she screamed, he didn't even flinch as every second mattered.

[Current Speed Rotation 45 MPH]

"I'm sorry about before." said the father as he too followed his daughter. It didn't take long for the others to follow suit, sure they were hesitant, but it was a matter of life or death. Each volunteeringly moving to be tossed. Even the twins were helped, as far as Shaun saw it, now was not the time for pettiness. Only one man remained who seemed reluctant to leave.

"I can't do it. I accept my fate, there might be hope if I stay on board," He stuttered along, evidently he was terrified out of his mind before feeling sheer pain. Guh! – A fist crashed into his gut as Jamie with the help of Shaun threw him off the ride.

"The last one" sighed Shaun when he saw the man hit the platform, it was quite crowded without any more available space.

[Current Speed Rotation 55 MPH]

Suddenly - BOOOOM! - An explosion was heard. It appeared that the bomb had gone off at the base of the hydraulic system causing everyone to jump in fright. It was a small explosion but cracks began to show and was evident everything would topple over. The Gutwrencher had come to a halt as the lights went off.

"That's our cue?" said Jamie. It was then that he took the cane. which had an arch, stamping on it bending it even further. He then stooped down in the Gutwrencher where he saw some thick two-inch wires.

"Perfect!" He uttered as he braced the cane between the safety harness until it was curved into a circular form. It was then that Shaun watched as he wrapped the thick coaxial cable around the makeshift apparatus.

Shaun – "What are you doing?" He asked, trying to understand the reasoning behind Jamie's actions.

Jamie – "leaving, any more questions, or will you trust your big bro? Now the platform is full. We'll need another escape route. We're aiming for the steel beams to your left." As Jamie spoke Shaun looked to his left where he saw twenty thick beams vertical and horizontal that held small parts of the base of the neighboring rollercoaster.

Shaun - "There is no way to make that jump. It's like five times that of the platform. We'll be meat paste within seconds."

Jamie with a wink - "That's why we'll hitch a ride." As he spoke he started to stamp on the Gutwrencher that was now in a dilapidated state causing its break from the base to be hastened. Seeing his action Shaun paused for a second before following his instincts - Stamp! Stamp! – He joined in the dismantling causing the Gutwrencher to become even more lopsided.

Onlookers - "That's insane! Why don't they simply try jumping like the others? As things stand the ride will collapse causing them to fall to their evitable demise". Everyone was simply flabbergasted at what they were seeing.

Crack! Crack! – Finally, there was an odd squeak and the base of the Gutwrencher began to give way causing the onlookers from both the tower and a large gathering below to scream in panic. They watched in horror as the inevitable unfolded and gravity did its job. The Gutwrencher came crashing down.

Shaun was nervous as he felt his body falling to the ground. When he looked to his big bro it was then that he saw him swinging the readjusted cane above his head before tossing it outwards.

Onlooker – "No way they'll make it!" Said one man who was shielding his son's eyes from what he was about to see. As for Lucy, tears streamed down her eyes as the man she loved and her adopted little brother were in the most perilous of circumstances.

Jamie – "Jump!" The two jumped from the plunging Gut Wrencher as Shaun couldn't help but scream when his head tilted down, peering at the gruesome death that awaited him. But soon he felt weightless as Jamie swung the both of them to the nearby beam on the makeshift grappling hook. The two then climbed up hastily on the beam. Looking down, Shaun could not believe what he just witnessed as cold sweat washed over his face. He looked at his big bro and couldn't help but say, "You're awesome!"

"Let's get out of here before the cops arrive. I'm sure some people won't be thrilled with our antics," He chuckled. Shaun couldn't help but smile, this was one hell of a day, but the best thing was they survived. It was then that he saw Spek perched on Jamie's shoulder.

He now had the most heroic tales of how he and his big bro survived on the once most sought-after ride, the Gutwrencher. There was no means of hiding how excited he was, then again a life and death situation tends to do that to a person.

Love writing these three

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lord_of_sleepcreators' thoughts
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