
Thrill Seekers

With Shaun in such high spirits, his energy peaked. He wanted to see as much of the city, sure he could explore anytime now that he would join an academy, but not many in the company of his big brother and Lucy.

Shaun – "In celebration, first we visit the Funland. There is a new roller coaster to rival the one in Starburst City. So that is a must. Then we catch a movie before grabbing that treat."

Jamie – "Why is this list getting so much longer?"

Shaun – "You've just gotten the best news ever, Jamie. Shame on you, this is no time to be cheap. What is a smile on your little bro's face worth, huh?" Seeing Shaun emotionally manipulating Jamie, Lucy could only laugh.

Jamie – "You better get rich soon because at this rate I'll be making my way to a poor house."


There are many amusement parks that one could visit in their lifetime but Funland one was exceptional for one main reason; it was King tier! Skyscrapers like Ferris wheels ...a death trap roller coaster higher than Mount Everest; the lights to make any kid ecstatic (a few grown men too). The food stalls were hypnotic.... enough to make one's mouth water with the plethora of delicacies to indulge. What to choose from first!? The minigames had super prizes, not just the little teddy bears! Prizes like hotel stays, shadowing your favorite heroes...

[9:00 AM earlier that day]

A middle-aged man could be seen smoking a cigar. He had on a blue rumpled shirt with the words, Quality Assurance Engineering Corp; his title technician, and Nametag, Archie Brown. In his lap was a laptop that was connected to the mainframe of the theme park.

A female automated voice - "Configurations accepted."

"Good girl, that's what I wanted to hear." He muttered while blowing smoke all over the small room he was in. Soon another man walked in, on his shirt were the words, 'Funland and Manager.' He seemed less than enthralled with the man's smoking as he fanned some of the smoke from entering his nostrils.

Funland manager (Mr Rogers)- "Is everything alright with the mainframe? All your checks completed."

Archie – "As you stated. Everything is calibrated to perfection. Impressive! This is indeed one of the safest theme parks on the planet. Nothing can possibly go wrong," He uttered with a smile before flicking the small remains of his cigar into the plastic bin nearby. Inside the bin a piece of paper perched on top slowly caught ablaze. Seeing this the manager hurriedly smashed his foot inside the bin, outing the flames. He looked at the technician with a loathing stare.

"Oops! My bad!" Archie muttered without any sign of remorse. "Get out!" Yelled Mr Rogers who became infuriated. This was perhaps the worst worker he had ever come across. His work ethic was simply deplorable. "I know you will report me, but to let you know there are no hard feelings, how about a handshake?" He now had a warm smile contrasting against this previous demeanor which threw Mr. Rogers off for a moment. But wanting his encounter with the vile man to end, he simply pointed at the exit. Archie grinned before patting him on the back while exiting.

Within moments - Cough! Cough! - Mr. Rogers started to cough in his handkerchief – He looked down to see blood splattered all over its soft white surface.

Archie sighed - "I would get that checked out if I were you. There is a bug going around causing Mayhem." With that, he was gone and Mr. Rogers continued to violently cough while even more blood poured out. A few minutes later, Archie could be seen in his car watching the entrance of the theme park.

"Looks like you just got fired, Archie," He uttered while looking above at the rear-view mirror. From it hung a badge with the name Archie Brown and a picture. Yet he looked completely different from the man who sat in the driver's seat. Taking a cigarette pack from the driver's compartment the man spoke aloud, "I guess no one told you these things will kill you, Archie boy." He laughed while lighting a new cigar.

Three minutes later - Wee! Waa! Wee! Waa! – He watched as an ambulance entered and then not even two minutes later frantically headed for the hospital. A cruel smile appeared on his face as he flicked the cigar out the window onto the asphalt.

He looked to his right hand where oddly a black mist appeared. With the appearance of the mist, his body started to shake as though in ecstasy. His eyes were pure black; he was thrilled, he smashed the dashboard while shouting; "Fuck that felt good! Who knew death would be so exhilarating?" Meanwhile, his veins protruded as black energy could be seen channeling throughout his body. Yet it all soon faded, and he was left discontented, frowning.

'A bit of patience is necessary, that was merely an appetizer. Tonight will be the beginning of my rise,' He laughed with an evil smirk while looking at the towering rides within the theme park.


"Before conquering this city. These rides will be tamed!" blurted Shaun as he pointed from one wacky contraption to the next. Only to see Spek land on his shoulders before biting his ears demanding to tag along.

Owww! - "You Have wings so why not fly you lazy bird? I'm not your Uber." He protested as the two fought.

Lucy - "What do you feed Mr. Hyperactive?" She asked when seeing the energy fueled Shaun.

Jamie - "Well the usual, a hefty breakfast, lunch, and dinner all to cater to a healthy lifestyle, what else is more fitting for a hummingbird. Oh but I'm guessing you meant Shaun, right? Well him, I just feed sweet nectar. It keeps him going and going…"

"You think you're funny huh?" Lucy couldn't help but punch him on his shoulders as he chuckled.

It was quite the fun time for the trio who tried all the rides that were on offer but one which terrified Lucy. It was even higher than the peak of the rollercoaster. Perched above the theme park, was the most frightening monstrosity. An electric-red-colored centrifuge called Gut wrencher, which extended 64 feet. It spun up to 60 mph, and riders were angled down by 70 degrees so all they saw below looked minuscule from 600 feet high. It was ranked one of the world's most harrowing rides.

Shaun with a smug smile – "So Lucy is out. How about you big bro. Care to test that mettle of yours?" Lucy crossed her eyes at him, basically calling her a chicken.

Jamie – "Bring it on, pipsqueak!" He dared while reading through a brochure with details about the ride and small footnotes of what to expect while onboard.

Lucy joined the two, she watched as they interacted and wondered how two contrasting personalities got along so well. Shaun was a handful for anyone to handle, but Jamie's calm assured demeanor seemed to be the perfect foil. The prelude to the ride was a glass elevator that would take them to the top of a tower where the Gut Wrencher called its home.

Lucy – "Wow, it's, even more, intimidating up here," She stated while looking from the glass elevator which shot to the top of the tower. It was ginormous and seated exactly sixteen thrill-seekers. Above the spacious tower, the excited thrill-seekers had their tickets ripped before entering the Gut Wrentcher.

"Please try to keep your hand inside at all times," The park attendant stated as he held the entrance to the Gut wrencher open.

"Excuse me, Sir," Shaun cautiously passed an elder who was waving to his excited granddaughter that was strapped in on the Gut Wrencher. He walked with a silver cane and its handle had the engraving of a lion's skull. It could be seen that the elder had resigned himself to the fact that this contraption was not ideal for someone of his age.But for Shaun he could wait hurriedly having his ticket ripped before heading into the Gut Wrencher.

Shaun - "This is some fancy stuff," He stated while touching at the seating which seemed robustly engineered for their safety and comfort. There were even cameras installed to film and picture their reaction during the ride. Being as loud as he was, his reaction was seen by some of the other teens who had ridiculing looks on their faces.

"A real country buckling," Stated one teen to his twin brother who replied, "This must be like Christmas for him" While they laughed. Shaun of course heard and only had one response, a finger, that usually isn't taken kindly to.

Still, he ignored the two whose faces became skewed, nothing would damper his mood today. "Let's go!" He screamed while waving to Lucy who to preserve the moment took a picture with her phone. "I bet you $5 that you puke before I do!" He then took a note out of his pocket showing Jamie that he was serious.

"Oh I see how it is, you want to leave me broke." Jamie Chuckled.

Shaun - "Is that a yes or no, Chicken?"

Jamie - "Well I see your $5 and counter with $20."

Shaun - "No fair. That's four times my wager."

Jamie - "Now who is the chicken?" Seeing his brother's confident smile, Shaun felt as though he had played himself. He just gambled with the only person he knew who had the perfect poker face.

Shaun - "Fine, but no funny business." He looked at his brother suspiciously hoping to see weakness but as usual, Jamie only rubbed his head like the dotting brother.

Jamie- Haha! - "I promise."

Soon it was the moment that they had all waited for. Within the control booth where all the commands were, the Gut Wrencher was prompted into action. Beep! Beep! BEEP! - The hydraulic system of the ride activated, placing it at a 70-degree angle from the tower. Inside every inch of the massive park could be seen.

"Have fun!" Screamed Lucy. Seeing the joy on Shaun's face she knew he was having a good time with his big bro.

Woooo! - Many of the thrill-seekers gasped when looking at what lay below. It was almost as though gravity was sucking them towards the ground. This would be terrifying for anyone with the slightest fear of heights. It was then that they heard the pre-recorded greeting. It was a male voice, "Welcome to the Gutwretcher. Are you ready for the best ride of your lives!"

YEAH! - They shouted excitedly. Many on board were fathers, mothers, and teens who took the time for quality family time.

Automated Voice - "Then shout some more cause I can't hear you!" YEAH! YEAH! - This time they were even louder.

Automated Voice - "Good, all sixteen of you have been chosen to be my worthy sacrifices". His words caused a slight pause on board before an even louder yeah. But those who had ridden the Gut Wrencher before became a bit panicky. This was off script and the voice was not the same.

Automated Voice - " I have rigged this machine to be a tool of mercy. You seek the ultimate thrill so I will oblige. If you look to your left there you will see attached to the frame of the tower a hydraulic base. Within that base is a tiny bomb that is set to explode when you have reached your maximum level of ecstasy. When that is, only I, Mayhem, knows. You can scream and beg but no one can help you. But I promise it will be the Bomb!"- He-he!

His words caused an awkward silence to shroud the Gut Wretcher.

"WHAAAAT!!!!" The words finally came out of the passenger's mouths simultaneously as panicky looks began to surface on their faces. Was this some sick joke? But all they heard was a cold evil laugh.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lord_of_sleepcreators' thoughts
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