
Chapter 33 - Note

I realized that it was easy to talk to Mr. Walker. He's the father I never had. "He gave me a ride to work this morning and on the way I looked at him. He told me to stop so I asked him if I wasn't allowed to look at him. He told me no and then his whole mood changed."

"Confront him about it. Tell him how it makes you feel," he said and then the doors opened.

I couldn't stop thinking about how Trevor treated me and what his father said to me. Mr. Walker was right. I needed to tell Trevor how I felt when he changed. I couldn't concentrate on anything. Luckily I recorded everything that was said in the meeting. Since I don't have dinner plans, I can work tonight.

After a two hour long meeting, Mr. Walker and I stepped back onto the elevator heading back to the office. "Hello, Mr. Walker," Ella greeted and then came out from behind the counter and gave me a hug. "Miss Cavanagh."

"What happened between you and Trevor?" Ella asked as she followed me to my desk. "What do you mean?" I asked. I stopped in my tracks when I saw two gardenias binded together with a blue ribbon and a hand-written note:


I'm sorry for what happened earlier.

I'll pick you up at seven for dinner.

- Trevor xx

I held the note in my hand and scoffed. I thought I told him that we weren't having dinner together tonight. But he'll never listen to anything I say. He's too stubborn. It's his way or no way.

"He came in a few minutes after you were gone to the meeting to give you this. He wanted to do it in person, so he wrote the note. Guess he's really sorry, Bells. The Trevor I knew for the last year and a half of me working here, he never did this for anyone," Ella said and walked away.

Mr. Walker came out of his office and saw the flowers. "Let me guess... Trevor?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir. But between you and me, buying me flowers is not settling anything about what happened this morning. He has to tell me. And I intend to tell him that at dinner tonight."

Mr. Walker had this that's-my-girl kind of look on his face. I felt extremely powerful knowing that I don't care what the Trevor Walker will do if I tell him exactly how I feel about the way he treats me. From what I've read and heard, most women will literally kneel at his feet and do whatever he tells them to. He can kiss that thought goodbye if he wants to be with me.

After a while it got easier to work. I put in my earphones and listened to every word that was said in the meeting, documenting it and making notes. Ella came around the corner and said, "Hey Bells. I'm going home. I don't want to intrude on your privacy."

"Ella, no. You're not intruding at all. We want you there. You can go home if you want or you can crash at our place. Whatever you want."

A soft smile of gratitude appeared on her lips. I guess that she's not ready to go back to the place-of-memories yet. It must be hard going through a break up and going home when you lived together.

"I'll see you at home?" I asked, lifting my brows and tilting my head.

"Yeah. See you at home," she said.

I couldn't help but smile as I continued working. "Hey... Have dinner with him tonight. I'll feed Gwen. Take it easy on him, Bells," she said and walked away. Something about what she said stuck with me. I'm supposed to take it easy on him? What about me? Stop thinking about yourself for one moment, Amabel!

Mr. Walker came out like clock work every day at six-forty-five. "Still working?" Mr. Walker asked. I smiled up at him and answered, "Yes, Sir. I have to confess that I didn't work in the meeting. I was... distracted. I'm done with the notes and documents. They're already filed and they're only waiting for your signature..." and then he took out his pen from his blazer's breast pocket.

He wanted to take the files to sign them, but I stopped him and placed my hand on the documents.

"In the morning... Go home, Mr. Walker. I have to finish my assignment anyway."

"Thank you, Amabel. Have a good night," he said as he walked past me. "Good night, Mr. Walker."

Every time those elevator doors close, I know I'm alone and I can do what I want. Well, not exactly what I want but it's just me having the best view in the world and my music with my earphones as I watched the sun setting with dolphins waving goodbye. I finished my assignment and danced around a bit when I noticed the time. Oh, shit! It's seven-twenty...

My date with Trevor... He's gonna be really pissed. I took out my phone from my pocket, unlocked my phone and saw the texts from him appearing like clouds before a storm.

Trevor (Today 18:56) Hey, I'm outside.

Trevor (Today 18:59) Where are you?

Trevor (Today 19:00) Amabel?

Trevor (Today 19:02) Where the hell are you? Are you okay?

Trevor (Today 19:03) Answer me!

Trevor (Today 19:04) That's it! I'm coming to get you.

I turned around and saw no one. Huh, strange...

"Aahhh! Trevor! What the fuck! You scared me," I said panting. There he was sitting comfortably in my chair, with his elbows resting on the chair looking very upset. He scanned my body up and down. I hate it when he's so quiet. I never know what he's thinking.

"Look, I'm sorry. I lost track of time. I had work and an assignment. I'm sorry," I said softly. Why was I playing it safe by talking softly? You're afraid he might hurt you...

He took a deep breath and stood up from the chair and made his way over to me with a deadly look in his eyes. I shied away from him and looked at a corner on the floor. He stood still right in front of me and said, "Look at me." His voice was deep, dark and controlling. Dominant and scary. It felt so intimidating. I'm scared...

I couldn't. I'm scared. He took his index finger and lifted my chin to look him in the eyes. And there it was. The soft look I'm used to. He came in and kissed me. "I was worried sick," he said as he pulled away and stroked my cheek. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You're safe. That's all that matters," he said and pulled me to his body holding me close. He rested his chin on my head. I felt him smell my hair and then he kissed it. I wrapped my arms around him and held him. There we were, standing in the office. No talking. No phones screaming to be answered. No rushing. Just us. Just holding each other.

"You hungry?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, but I'd rather stay like this," I said looking up at him still in his arms. He bent down and kissed me. "As much as I would like that too, I'm really hungry," he said and we both chuckled.

"Come on," he said, letting go of me, holding out his hand.

"Wait for one moment," I said and went to my desk and shut my laptop down, put it on my back and got everything I needed. I walked back and saw him slowly turning around, still in his suit, and sticking out his hand as he turned. Damn... That looks good! He smiled brighter the closer I came to him, until finally I took his hand.

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