
Chapter Twelve

The no moon had taken precedence. It should take seven days as the Diamond-Back oracle had predicted. Atohmma paid close attention to the moon, as she needed to be aware of the Wolf festival. The eclipse was already forecast and the full moon which should have preceded the no moon, wouldn't be until another week or so, considering the unexpected forecast. It seemed the natives had to be guided by other natural occurrences because they could not depend on the uncertainty of the atmospheric fluctuations.

It was the fifth day of the no moon today and Atohmma, aware of this, noted it on her calendar. She had to keep a keen eye on it as the eclipse was forecast. She knew if she observed keenly, she could have something to direct her course of action, knowing it may be an almost accurate prediction of the already disturbing forecast. So she noted her observations of the moon, each night. Although she knew she could depend on the Oracle and Shaman to indicate the occurrences, she had to guide the others as well, monitor the spiders and to also ascertain a schedule for the work on the well. The number of days had to be suitable for the project, the manpower, and the favorable weather conditions.

Now that the decision for the location of the well has been decided, Atohmma had to map out a plan of action. The work schedule. She, Orgamma and Venomma had to carry out project management. They had to determine the resources required, the labor, access the best and most skilled native workmen appropriate to each phase of the project, the materials and machinery to excavate and the estimated time frame from start to completion. Added to that were quality control and risk assessment. Venomma was skilled at getting most of the organization and coordination done, Atohmma functioned as a leader doing most of the directing and planning, whilst Orgamma was the scientist carrying out the execution and technical aspects. They were a functional team, and well equipped to handle such developmental projects, in their world. It was usually up to them when matters such as these had to be addressed.

They drew up a plan of action. Each listed their specific tasks according to the stages of the project. They decided among themselves their individual responsibilities. The first phase was to get to measurements of the chosen area for the well. The excavation was also included in this phase. When Orgamma had the measurements he will work out the technical stuff according to his drawings and draft. Venomma will delegate capable natives to handle the excavation and digging. Atohmma will ensure that the guards and other natives are aware of what will take place. She will schedule days, times and also inform Windsong and the unicorns of their plan, although it will in no way be of a disturbance to their home. Orgamma will decide on supervision for the structural work to be carried out in accordance with all specifications. Atohmma would be responsible for obtaining appropriate gear for all involved and she will also ensure safety protocols are adhered to around the worksite. There will be three supervisors on-site for the digging stages, as each one will be responsible for something different. One will monitor equipment safety and workmanship attendance. Another will monitor the project protocols and ensure that they are adhered to, along with the specifications. Another will monitor the excavation and digging for any issues or hindrances, that may be discovered while digging, such as rocks, water holes, blockages, metals, natural resources etc. There will be other affiliate workmen around the site, who will carry out any routine or ancillary work, that may be necessary, for the smooth flow of operations.

Now that the first phase was sketched out and the plan can be on the way, Atohmma's two-hour allocation of her time for Orgamma and Venomma was about over. She had other things she wanted to do today. Somehow, she was in no rush now, because this matter was of paramount importance, and a lot of work and time had to be put into it. She didn't seem to mind, knowing that she would not be meeting with Nucamma today. She just had other plans, to catch up on, concerning her own usual routines and chores.

After they polished up on the plan for phase one, Venomma, Atohmma and Orgamma, decided that tonight they will fly over to the proposed site. That way, Orgamma and Venomma will fully understand what they are working with and any adjustments necessary. The day was yet young, and Atohmma found that the lake seemed to be enticing for a bath. They were unprepared for a swim but did it anyway. The spontaneous adventure good for them, it was fun and also gave them a chance to catch up on their friendship. They didn't quite share time, the three of them, but it was worth it.

When they began to get hungry, Atohmma's snacks and juice came in handy. She was always prepared somehow. They all partook of the delicious biscuits and sandwiches Atohmma prepared and the juice was also their favorite flavor. They had berries and cakes to go with that. They sat down, dried by the wind, so they had no need for towels and they ate to their heart's content. Orgamma suggested she do more of those biscuits during the project for the workmen, she thought it was quite filling. He requested she prepare a special box for him. Atohmma thought that was a great idea and she obliged. Venomma wanted more of the berries. She loved berries and fruits, so Atohmma told her where she collected them from and said she will gather some more just for her. Venomma was pleased.

"What do you say, we visit here more often on our time off?" suggested Orgamma. Both girls thought it was a great idea. Atohmma, while finishing up on her snack, looked across at the lake. She saw something. Strangely, it seemed like a towel, but she knew they did not come along with any towels, so she had a closer look. Something was in the water. She saw the movement, but it was not yet quite on the surface, or close enough for her to recognize what it was. She went closer. Upon reaching the bank, she could see something underneath from the shallow part of the lake. Atohmma recognized the size, it was bigger than a towel, it was colored also. She said, "guys, come see this." Orgamma and Venomma stood up and strolled across to where Atohmma was standing. Atohmma pointed saying, "Over there, do you see that?" Following her pointing, they both saw something. "Yes, it seems like cloth or a towel." said Orgamma. Atohmma decided to dive in. She swam across to it and she pulled it out. Much to Atohmma's surprise it was Venomma's lost blanket. Venomma, looking at what Atohmma had in her hand coming out of the water, said "It looks like, it is, is this my, blanket?" Venomma questioned with a relieved tone. "It sure seems like it," said Atohmma. Orgamma helped Atohmma out by holding the blanket and wringing out most of the water from it. Venomma, seeming perturbed, was happy to have it back, but she was wondering how it got there. She just slowly took it from Orgamma and watched it closely to make sure. She knew right then, that it was indeed her blanket and she was grateful to have it back. Although it was not the same, it meant a lot to Venomma that she didn't have to miss it that much anymore.

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