
My Blind Mate

'Talking to their cat'

~Mind link~

Theo's P.O.V.

Picking up my mate he lets out a yelp in surprise. Wrapping his arms around my neck tightly my breath catches in my throat. While Kyle ends up being riled since our mate is pressed, so close against us. Cupping my mate's ass with my hand I hold him closer to me. Kyle letting out a happy purr as our mate fits perfectly on my hip. As if he somehow just molds right into my side. Kind of like two matching pieces of a puzzle. Making sure I have a good hold on him I take him back to the pride house.

Once inside I take him into our room. Where I can answer all of his questions. Setting him down carefully on the edge of our bed I kneel in front of him. Bringing my hand to his cheek I stroke it gently with the pad of my thumb. Which is when I finally get to hear his angelic voice for the first time. It cracks ever, so slightly, but I don't care. I end up falling in love with how soft and gentle it is. With how kind and warm it sounds like the angel he is. But I hate the slight fear and tremble that I can hear in his voice. From our encounter with King Raphael, it makes Kyle and I furious. As we think of reasons why our mate would be, so scared of him. "Um... K... Ki... King Th... Th... Theo?"

His voice easily brings me back to reality as he tries to get my attention. "Yes, my love and please call me Theo I am your mate and my equal."

I can feel the warmth caused by blush spreading across his cheeks. Making me smirk at the knowledge that I can make him react like that. "Um... Ki... I mean Theo can I ask you a question?"

My smirk quickly turns into a smile as I chuckle lightly. "That was a question, but yes you can ask me anything you want. I will always answer your questions and truthfully. Also, you don't have to ask for permission if you want to ask, say, eat, or do something you can just do it. You have nothing to fear here. Here you are safe no one will ever harm you and everyone will love you. If anything, ever does happen I want you to know that I will drop everything. I don't care how important it is I will drop it and be by your side in seconds to protect you. No matter who or what it is from because you are my mate, and I wouldn't want to be mates with anyone other than you."

Hoping that my little speech sooths the fear and anxiety from my mate I take a breath. Leaning forward I can hear his breath catch in his throat. Probably because he thinks that I am going to steal a kiss from him. As badly as I want to press my lips against his. I can feel that his body is tense, so since I don't know what happen to him at his old pride, I settle with pressing my forehead against his.

Mikey's P.O.V.

After Theo's speech my heart wants to burst out of my chest. But then he starts to lean in close to me. Though I think he can sense how unease it is making me feel because he doesn't kiss me. Unlike King Raphael who would force his mouth onto mine. Forcing me to do things with him that I would only ever want to do with my mate. Instead of a kiss Theo presses his forehead against mine. Taking a deep breath, he breaths in my scent. As his hand moves from my cheek to the back of my head keeping me close. Though his grip is as light as a feather in case I want to pull away. But even if I wanted to I couldn't because of the way he is gently strokes my hair with his thumb. Which makes me feel like I am in heaven. "What is your question my love?"

Remembering that I wanted to ask him a question I pull back just barely. Swallowing my fear, I gather up my courage and ask him. "Is... Is what King Raphael said true? Are your human eyes really blind?"

At that he pulls away from me with a sad look on his face. Not only that, but I see something I have never thought I would see on a king's face which is fear. He takes my hands in his and looks down at the ground. "Yes, it is true I have been blind since I was 16 when I had been captured by a powerful group of rouges and the best healers in the world came to try and help. They could heal the physical damage that had been done to my eyes. Though they could not bring back my sight. But by some miracle I can still see by using the eyes of my black panther Kyle. I just want to say even though I can't see you or the expressions you make I want you as my mate. But if you want to reject me as your mate I completely understand and won't try and force you to change your mind."

My heart breaks at the fact that he thinks I am going to reject him. Just because he is blind. While in reality I thought he was going to reject me. "Can I see? Can... Can I see what color your eyes are?"

I can see him hesitate making me start regretting asking. But then he takes off his sunglasses. Keeping his head down, so that I can't see his eyes as he slowly opens them. Nervous I reach out to him. As soon as my hand touches his cheek he perks up. Making him face me I bring my other hand to his cheek. Cupping his face gently in my hands. Looking into his eyes I see that they are a bright emerald forest green color with flecks of silver. Though no matter how hard I study his eyes I can tell that no matter where he looks his eyes cannot see. Knowing that words probably won't be enough to convince him that I want him as my mate I take in a deep breath. Gathering up all my courage I can find I lick my lips letting out a shaky breath. Theo notices this as concern starts to spread across his face.

But before he can say anything I press my lips against his. He freezes surprised by my sudden kiss, but he quickly gets over it and starts kissing me back. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the taste of his soft passionate kisses.

Wanting to taste more I deepen the kiss. When I deepen the kiss, it seems more than Theo can take. As the next thing I know I am being pressed into the bed. As sparks erupt all over my body making Chase beg for more. As if sensing Chase and even my own desire he pulls away from my lips. Which makes me let out a whine in complaint. Opening my eyes, I look up not to see Theo's eyes, but Kyle's eyes. "You're, so beautiful."

Blushing deeply, I am taken by surprise when I feel his lips on my neck. Making my let out a small yelp as a shiver goes up my spine. Going along my neck he finds the sensitive spot in the crook of my neck. Causing me to let out a gasp at the surprisingly enjoyable sensation. Continuing to kiss me like this until we are interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Feeling him pull away from my skin I hear him let out a slight growl. "What is it?"

Hearing Theo and Kyle's voices speaking together. I glance at his eyes to see that they are still their unique orange color. "Theo it's Axle King Dexter is here to speak with you."

Running a hand threw his hair he lets out a sigh. Leaning into my touch as his body relaxes and his eyes go back to normal. "Alright take him to my office I will be there in a little bit."

With that I hear Axle's footsteps echo outside the room as he leaves. Turning to face me I jump slightly when I feel something hard poke me in the thigh. Blushing I notice the scent of both our arousals hit my nose. Blushing even deeper I refuse to glance down. Instead, I glance at his face to see if he has noticed. Noticing the small smirk on his face. I let out a small whimper as a memory of King Raphael flashes in my mind. His smirk quickly disappears and is replaced with concern. Getting off of me he sits me up. "My love are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay it was just a bad memory."

Holding his hand out for me I take it. Giving my hand a soft squeeze, he glances at me even though he can't see me. "I swear he will never hurt you again my love."

Comforted by his words I nuzzle my face into his shoulder. Feeling him plant a kiss on the top of my head. He rubs my shoulder. "I have to go my love. But I will be back as soon as I can my love. While I'm gone you can explore the pride house if you want. Just stay a good distance from the border for your safety."

Blushing slightly at his concern I nod my head. Then I remember that he is blind I mentally face palm myself while I say. "Okay I will I promise."

Placing another kiss on the top of my head. He gets up slipping on a baggy pair of jeans. Slipping in his sunglasses he walks over to me. Leaning over he places a soft feather like kiss on my lips. Wishing me fun on my exploration he then leaves to his meeting with King Dexter. Touching my lips with the tips of my fingertips. I blush softly before I bury my face into his pillow. Breathing in his scent before I get up, I let out a muffled purr. Heading to the bathroom I look into the mirror am surprised at what I see. When I came here yesterday my hair was dull in color and practicality dead. Though now it is shiny and full no longer looking like dried up brown hay.

My boring lifeless brown eyes are now getting their warm chocolate color back. As excitement for tomorrow and the days to come sparkle in them. Even though I am still skin and bones. My ghostly pale skin now has a healthy rosy tint to it. On top of that the bags and dark circles under my eyes are now almost gone. I am shocked at how one day with my mate can improve my health. I run my hand through my hair and down my face examining myself. That's when I notice the marks on my neck. Pulling down the hoodie I take a better look.

I blush deeply when I realize that they are hickeys. Delicately I touch the marks that cover the crook of my neck. When my fingertips brush the marks, a shiver goes up my spine. I can't help but smile at the sight of them. As it is a mark of his affection for me. Covering them back up with Theo's hoodie I head over to his dresser. I am about to look through his dresser for clothes to change into when there is a knock at the door. I open it and smile when I see that it is Katie. "Hey Mikey, are you doing anything?"

I shake my head. "No Th-Theo is in a meeting."

I blush slightly when I mention Theo's name. "Good because I am going to take you shopping."

"Shopping? But Theo does want me going too far."

Katie smiles excited at me. "Don't you worry about him I will deal with him. But you need new clothes that will fit you. You go wait in the living room and I'll go speak with Theo."

I smile softly nodding as I realize that she is right. "Okay, but he is in a meeting."

"Don't worry about it I will be able to interrupt for a bit. I'll meet you in the living room."


Katie leaves and I head back into the dresser finding some smaller clothes. Though they were still very big on me. Satisfied with my clothing I head to the living room waiting for Katie. Eventually she appears in the living room. "Look what I got."

She smiles showing me a credit card. I tilt my head slightly to the side confused. "A credit card?"

"Not just any credit card Theo's credit card. He said we can go, but we have to have to take two guard with us."

As she says that Axel and another man walking into the living room. "Okay you two ready to go."

Axel gives us a small smile. We both smile and nod. Katie helps me to my feet and we all head outside to an SUV.

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