

Author: GreysZombie27
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  • 34 Chs
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Lucy Carson is a rich girl, keeps it hidden because she can’t stand fake friends. At the beginning of 6th grade a group of guys, Landon, Tanner and Grayson torment Lucy everyday. They hurt her repeatedly every school year, summer was the only break she got from being beat up and teased. If only they knew her life, they’d want to be her friend instead of hurting her every chance they got. They were truly assholes, they didn’t care about anyone unless they had money. Lucy would have more friends, but she didn’t want people to only like her because she had money, that was horrible. She has this incredible next door neighbor Trevor, who secretly loves her, he doesn’t tell her because of all the bullying. He feels she’ll isolate herself more if she knew. Little does he know Lucy likes him back. Her best friends Savannah and Chelsea try their best to help her through the school year, not knowing she has begun to hurt herself over the bullying.

Chapter 1Chapter 1: The Start Of Junior Year

As I woke up, I got myself dressed and ready for school. I was not looking forward to seeing Landon, Tanner and Greyson. They were my bullies, they were harsh and rude. I hated them, I wanted more than ever to fight back at them, but I somehow couldn’t. They sent chills down my spine, made me flinch no matter who touched me, they made sure no guy would touch me or date me. It was truly horrible, I just wanted a normal life at school, home wasn’t so bad, expect my parent’s were barely home, they didn’t know about the bullying.

I hid it, my brothers thought something might be up, but I never spoke a word. They had always seen the bruises and cuts. Pushing me to tell them, but I always gave them an excuse. Life wasn’t easy lately, over the summer, one day while I was home alone, I began to hurt myself. Nowhere anyone could see it, so my brothers couldn’t ask, no-one knew. I was good at hiding that, I started in the beginning of the summer, while my parent’s were away, and my brothers were working.

After I was ready to go, I went down for breakfast after my normal routine of harming myself, I put on the best fake ass smile I could.

My brother’s weren’t fooled like our parent’s were. My car needed to be fixed, so today I was going to walk to school. After I ate, I threw my backpack over my shoulder, put my headphones in, playing my playlist on my iPod. I left the house, as I begin to walk, my neighbor Trevor was just getting into his car, he spotted me and tried to get my attention. I kept walking not paying attention, I walked towards school, until a car pulled up next to me. It was Trevor, I pulled out my headphones and looked at him, no guy that good-looking came close to me.

“Get in,” he says.

I shook my head, “No thanks, that will make things worse,” I stated and began to walk away.

Trevor got out and walked over to me, “Look Lucy get in, I’ll handle them.”

He took my hand, pulling me towards his car, I went reluctantly. Knowing I’d get so much shit for this, Landon, Tanner and Grayson were sure to he waiting for me. I get in, his car was nice, smelled good, like cologne. He shut the passenger door once I was in, then he got in and drove us to school. Once there we got out, everyone began to gossip, it was annoying, I should fit right in. I don’t because of, the 3 guys who made me life a living hell.

I look at Trevor, “Thanks for the ride”, then I walk away before he could respond.

I walked into school, everyone just staring at me, before I could go any further Landon and Greyson block my way,

“So new boyfriend?” Landon asks.

“If so you already know what we’re going to do,” Greyson smirks.

I look at them, “No, he gave me a ride that’s all.”

They started to laugh, “Yeah right, no guy would just give you a ride.”

I rolled my eyes, trying to push by, they shoved me back. I backed into someone solid, holding back everything I wanted to do, turned,

“I’m so sorry,”

I saw Trevor’s pissed off face, he wasn’t looking at me, he was staring at Landon and Greyson. He looked like he was going to knock them out, then he looked at me,

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault Lucy. I’ll drive you home after school okay? Meet me in the parking lot.”

Then he walked away pushing by the boys, I stood there dumbfounded, Landon and Greyson glared at me,

“Be careful who you chose to confine in,” Greyson spat at her.

“Yeah he isn’t allowed to date you, so don’t try to get close to him!” Landon hissed.

I just stood there, no emotions on my face, I wanted to literally die. I was on the edge of everything because of them, their abuse, their torments, it all was too much. When I got home tonight, that was it.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and walked away from the boys, they shoved me aside, then left. I sighed and headed to my locker, today was only going to get worse. I opened it pulled my books out, shoved them in my backpack and headed to first period, Algebra with Greyson and Tanner. I had 3 classes with my bullies in total, the rest I was in classes with Trevor.

I sat next to Sasha, a girl who was with Greyson, but also my friend. We grew up together, she knows I have money and don’t like to flaunt it. I could hear Greyson and Tanner whisper a few seats back, probably talking more shit and saying more untrue things. I tuned them out as the teacher walked in, and began class. I took notes, focused on her instead of them. When the bell rang, I got up shoving my homework into my folder, then I turned to leave running in to Tanner’s solid body.

“Watch it!” he hissed at me, glaring and pushing by with Greyson in tow.

I sighed, “Sorry,” I said as I walked behind them out of the class, heading to our next class Gym.

This day would just get worse, I walked into the girls locker room, shoved my stuff into a empty locker, changed and headed out to start Gym. I sat near Hanna, Greyson and Tanner sat behind us. I sighed, I wished they’d go away, I wish they’d stop tormenting me. They think I’m some poor girl, who deserves cruel punishments. I had no more patience left, one day I would snap back, probably pissing them off badly. But hey who cares they make my life hell.

I looked at the gym teacher who told us to begin our stretching, I did rolling my eyes, every time one of them made a comment. They couldn’t honestly say I didn’t have an ass, I did they just hate me. We finished stretching and begin to jog. The boys shoved me a few times, I ignored it eating it all up, just waiting for the day I couldn’t do it anymore. Once gym ended, I went to shower and changed quick, then headed to History. The only seat left was next to Landon, great, I went and sat next to him ignoring him. He tried to torture me , I ignored it, that pissed him off.

I didn’t care, Trevor was a few seats over from Landon, watching everything.

As the teacher started talking, I turned him out, focusing on notes and work. Once that class was done, Landon held me back from going to my next class by shoving me into the lockers.

“You don’t just get to ignore me!” he yells than slaps me, everyone stopped and looked at us.

I held in everything, I pushed past him and walked to Chemistry. When I got there, I walked in everyone staring and pointing. I sat by the window and hid my face behind a book using my phone to see how bad it was. I gasped when I saw the red hand print on my face, he had slapped me good. Trevor walked in, he sat next to me, pulling my book from in front of me,

“Hey don’t,” I say looking and seeing it’s Trevor.

“Who did that?” he asked looking at it

“Doesn’t matter, I’m fine Trevor,” I reply.

He doesn’t get the chance to reply, the teacher walks in and class begins. I peek over at Trevor once in awhile, catching him watching me, I sigh and take notes, trying to focus, before I know it the bell is ringing. I gather my things, as I go to leave Trevor grabs my arm,

“I’ll walk you to the rest of your classes,” he says, “I’ll sit with you at lunch.”

I looked at him, “They don’t fuck with me at lunch.”

He shruggs, “Still sitting with you, can’t stop me.” He smiles.

I couldn’t help but crack a small smile, his smile was heart warming. I walked out of the classroom with him, walking to the cafeteria, Trevor walking beside me. We walk in and grab lunch, then sit down together at my table with my friends. Landon, Greyson and Tanner walk in about 10 minutes later, seeing Trevor at my table, they aren’t happy. They get their lunch and go to their table in the corner by the windows. I eat not looking at them, I laugh with my friends, feeling free for once.

This and home was my only safe spots, it sucked so badly to be so afraid, one day ill burst and tell them.

As lunch ended Trevor and I headed to English, we sat together, the teacher walked in a moment after we did, class began and ended so quick, we watched a movie and took notes. As the bell rang we headed to Drama, it was just a filler class for the year, it was that or accounting. As we walked into Drama, we sat together, the teacher was already there. Once everyone was in class, he began, then set us up with partners, he paired Trevor and I together, I was shocked.

We had to do trust falls, I wasn’t thrilled, but I trusted him. He caught me and then to my surprise I caught him, the teacher was also impressed.

We then did some improv, it was quite fun, Trevor had me laughing, I tried to keep a straight face for my side, he kept messing with me. I then shut him out and nailed my improv part, his mouth dropped, I laughed so hard I cried. He was truly amazing, and this was my first time really having classes with him.

Last year I had every class with the boys, I was relieved my last class wasn’t with them. Once class ended Trevor and I walked to his locker, he grabbed his stuff, I walked with him to his car, Greyson blocking my path, Trevor stopped too, I looked at Greyson,

“Please move.” I say to him.

He laughs, “Yeah right, no.”

I sigh, annoyed, I try to pass him , he shoves me into something solid, I look up its Tanner, he grabs my arm and drags me away from Trevor. He squeezes my arm hard, I flinch,

“That hurts.”

He laughs and squeezes harder, “I don’t fucking care.”

I groan, “Fuck,” it really hurt badly, it was definitely going to bruise.

I was sick of this, but still couldn’t find it in me to fight back yet, I hadn’t fully snapped yet. He shoved me so hard into the locker, the wind was knocked out of me. I gasped for breath for a moment, it hurt badly, he used a good amount of force. I started breathing a moment later, backing down the hall away from him. Then I turned around and ran as fast as I could ignoring the pain.

I ran out the doors out of breath, I stopped trying to catch my breath, I heard footsteps, then an arm was around me. I passed out in a car and I remember smelling some cologne. I wake up around 10pm in my bed in the dark, I slowly sit up groaning in pain quietly, I turned my light on, a bottle of water, aspirin and a note sat there. I picked up the note,

Lucy take these, drink water, go back to bed, meet me at my car in the am for school


I smiled and took them drinking the water, then I went back to bed. I fell back asleep, around 6 my alarm was going off. I got up shutting it off, then getting ready, today I decided to wear one of my nice necklaces, that was real . I was determined to show them something, but not it all not yet. What else were these assholes going to do to me? I was half afraid to find out, I sighed grabbed my backpack and phone.

I left my room made coffee and had some cereal, then left to meet Trevor.

Trevor walked out as I did, we met at his car, he unlocked it and we got in. I placed my backpack on the floor, smelling that amazing cologne again. I smiled slightly, Trevor looked at him curiously but didn’t say a word. He drove us to school quietly, I had forgotten to put a hoodie on. I had left it upstairs, Trevor stopped at a light before the school, looking down at my arm, he saw the bandage, he pulled his hoodie off handing me it quietly, I took it and put it on.

“Thanks.” I say.

“You’re welcome Lucy.” He says.

He pulls into the school parking lot and parks. I get out in his hoodie, all the girls gasp, they see my necklace, and me in Trevor’s hoodie. They were jealous, he never really gave any girl the time of day, he was always nice to me. So I could tell today was going to be hell, worse than yesterday, word was going to get to the guys that there was a rumor about me and Trevor. This is not what I need, I wave to Trevor and walk off, walking in and to my first class. I sat with Sasha again, away from Greyson and Tanner.

Sasha looks at me noticing Trevor’s hoodie, she whispers softly so noone but me can hear,

“Are you and Trevor really together?”

I looked at her whispering back, “No he’s my neighbor, my brothers have to fix my car still, he’s bringing me to and from school.”

She smiled and nodded, “But you’d make a good couple.”

I smiled at her too, then the teacher walked in and class started. We took our notes, did the classwork, then got homework assignments. Then the bell rang, we got up and moved onto the next class. I sat away from the boys again, avoiding them, I focused on my classwork. Then I moved to the next class, same happened for the rest of the day. I had lunch with my friends and Trevor, everyone gossiped all day about us, I sighed.

People loved to gossip, it was like a disease, it spread fast. I ignored everyones comments, tuning them out, after school ended I told Trevor I’d meet him in a minute, he took off, I walked out and got cornered by all three boys this time. I was truly fucked at that moment, they began shoving me and hitting me, before they stopped noticing my necklace, they backed off leaving me to groan in pain alone.

There was some of my blood on Trevor’s hoodie, I felt so bad, I got up a few minutes later, made my way down the hall, somehow out to his car, as I got in he saw the blood,

“Lucy what the fuck happened?”

I looked at him, “I’m fine, I’ll get you another hoodie.”

He looked at me, “I don’t care about the hoodie, you need to see a doctor.”

He turned his car on, backed out and left, he drove me to the ER. Staying with me the whole time, he had told them he was my boyfriend, I agreed not wanting to be alone. After they were done everything, I was given pain meds, told to not fall asleep for awhile, I had a minor concussion. Trevor drove me home, noone was home, he came in with me insisting, I gave in, we went up to my room. I went to change and came back sitting on my bed. I handed him the tv remote, so he could pick something.

He smiles, turns the tv on, I pat the spot next to me scooting over so he could sit. We watched tv for a bit, I took my meds and fell asleep.

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