"Is there any way to know which of the two causes is more likely?" Alex asked Rosemist.
"As i mentioned before, I cannot help you there," Rosemist said. "It is beyond my capacity. But that may not be true for you, though."
Alex nodded. "What must I do?" he asked.
"Discard one of the two hypotheses," she said. "And the other one will likely be more true."
Alex thought for a moment, his mind racing through what he could do.
Discard that which he was—his body that was similar to the Gods of old? Impossible. He couldn't get rid of what was a part of him.
Discard Godslayer? Impossible too, but for a different reason entirely.
In the end, Alex could only give a dry laugh. "I may not ever find an answer then," he said. "Still, thank you for telling me this all. It is helpful."
"It wasn't much of a help though, was it?" Rosemist asked.
"It is way more than what I could've gotten had I relied on my own."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: