

It was once again Pearl's turn to fight. He had waited for quite some time, so he was more than excited to fight once again.

He was called onto the arena where 7 other fights were happening at the same time and was met with his new opponent. This time, the opponent was a young girl around the same age as him, wearing deep blue robes with her hair in a bun, put in place by a jade pin.

 She caught Pearl's attention, not because of herself but rather because there was something hanging around her chest. She was wearing the same medallion.

Pearl raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out if he was looking at an alchemist or their helper. He couldn't sense any beast-like aura from her, so she had to be an alchemist.

An alchemist who had chosen to fight to earn some money.

'Her cultivation base is quite high,' he thought, sensing that it was around Immortal Ascendant 9th realm, the same as him. 

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