

Alex registered his Daoist name and mentioned that he had come from the Blue Silk continent of the Myriad Spirit realm.

He held onto a Divine artifact that constantly buzzed with a weird but even tone. It was an artifact meant to make certain the holder was speaking truths and any unevenness in the sound would give away that there was a lie.

Unlike an oath, there were many ways to bypass this artifact, but no Immortal realm cultivator could be able to do that and not be found by all the Divinities standing by.

Alex's best course of action was to speak the truth.

His age was asked next, to which Alex truthfully answered that he was no older than 500 years old. That got a few eyebrows to raise, but nothing more. These people had seen enough talents to not be surprised by an Immortal at 500 years old.

Silvermist smiled at the side, knowing that Alex was half the age he made it sound like he was. A convenient truth that was also a lie.

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