After the sword was compounded and refined, he had to design the sword now.
The design was the only thing left to do other than put the Qi lines into the sword, and he couldn't put the Qi lines into the sword before designing it as the changes in the sword's physical appearance would change the Qi lines internally as well.
So, he had to design it first.
This was the part that Alex wasn't as knowledgeable about and was the part that Madhammer had said he was bad at. However, that was primarily because of Alex's lack of practice and exposure to such designs before.
Now that he had come across many types of swords and other weapons, he was sure that with a bit of training, he could do it.
Designing the sword was mostly just him heating up the metal and then using his Dao of Malleability to pull on it, changing its shape as per the commission.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: