"Well, it's hard to quantify the changes once you leave Heaven and come into outer space, but there are a few important once that you will need to remember," Silvermist said.
"The most important thing you need to remember is that Oaths do not work in outer space, at all. If someone swears an oath out in space, do not trust them at all."
Alex's eyes widened slightly. "Oaths don't work? In what way? Just swearing or…"
"Everything about oaths in general don't work out in space," Silvermist said. "If you speak it, it doesn't work. If you break it, it doesn't hurt you."
Alex frowned. He had not even considered the possibility of things being different out in space and he was already hearing something so vastly important being changed.
Silvermist seemed to take Alex's frown in a different meaning and added, "Don't worry about the oath brother Grim spoke to you. Because he ate the pill I made, he won't be able to break it even if he wants to," he said.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: