
The Future

Long Tiankong looked at the young man who sat in front of him, wearing simple robes that wouldn't even belong to the lowest servant back in the Palace. The young man had jet-black hair and a rather tired posture.

He had every reason to just stand up and walk away, but something about the man made him want to sit and continue. Now that he was looking at the man, he looked middle-aged too.

No, he somehow looked ageless.

'How is he doing that?' the Crown Prince was very intrigued by the situation. 'Formation? Talisman?' He discreetly looked around the room but found nothing. 

"Can you really tell my future?" the Crown Prince asked the future teller. If the Crown Prince was to be fair to himself, he thought he was wasting his time. But this was fun enough that he was fine with wasting it.

"I can tell what I can tell," the young man said. "It is your choice to believe if you want to or not."


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