

As lightning bolts fell from the sky on the pill Alex made, Long Huan went up to Hannah and told her they were going to be leaving soon. He started gathering everything that was in the room that the would need when they arrived in the Southern Continent.

One after another, the lightning bolt fell into the cauldron and faded away. After the 8th lightning bolt, Alex stopped and took out the pill, putting it into a bottle.

He tossed the bottle over to Long Huan, who caught it in surprise. "What is this?" he asked.

"Just a healing pill," Alex said. "Anyway, let's get going."

He walked up to the two of them and grabbed them on their shoulders. Then, he closed his eyes and felt his connection to Whisker. 


Long Huan shuddered as the world transformed around him. The room they were just in changed and they arrived in another room, standing next to Zhan Luoyang who had Whisker standing on her shoulders.


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