

Alex handed over a healing pill to Teng Roukang this time around. 

"Are you going to challenge me tomorrow as well?" Alex asked.

The man couldn't hide his grin. "It's such an easy way to get pills, Your Majesty. Please don't mind if I do," he said.

"Okay, but can you at least not do it right after reset?" Alex asked him. "I need to win my first match of the day so I don't get a Loss."

"I will try not to," the man said. "I'll see you tomorrow, Your Majesty."

Alex didn't believe he could trust the man's word and was mostly sure that he was going to see him as soon as the talismans reset once again.

He turned around to see another group of people approach him, most of whom were ones that had defeated him yesterday, along with a few more. He couldn't help but sigh as his talisman buzzed again.

He couldn't complain though as this was what he brought upon himself. 

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