Alex wondered how many individuals failed the first and second tests. The two tests were diametrically opposite in what they wanted. One wanted to test the skill of a painter, and the other wanted to test the skill of a cultivator.
And Alex had no doubt that the next one was going to be a mix of the two. He wondered how many would pass that one. How many had? He hadn't heard of any passing this final test. Surely it wasn't that hard, right?
Anyone who passed the first two tests would have no problem completing the third one if the task was to do the two tests in one painting. So Alex couldn't help but be curious about what the actual test would entail.
He waited a decent amount before the last test started.
The blue walls around him suddenly lost all color, changing to a bright white color that surprised Alex. Was there a mistake? Had he just passed?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: