
Finding Willow

Alex flew down the mountain, letting Whisker gather whatever he could on the mountain itself. Whisker didn't have Alex's poison resistance, so he would most likely die just entering the field around the plants.

He could have waited for Whisker to finish before taking him in as well, but he was here for one thing and he wanted to complete it as soon as he could.

He arrived next to the field of poisonous plants and immediately sent his spiritual sense out all around him to search for the one thing he was here for.

A moment later, he smiled as he saw it.

The Corrosive Willow.

"Well, that was easy," Alex thought. He stepped into the stale, pungent air that was full of poisons and toxins and made his way toward the plant that was far away. He picked what he could from around him, but he didn't stop on his path toward the willow.

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