
The Dark Room

Alex returned to the Alchemy association and went to talk to the leader. He told him what had happened and asked a few questions as to who else knew about his father.

It didn't take long for the leader to come to the same conclusion as Alex that one of the 10 sects and families were trying to have him killed, maybe even multiple ones.

"Go and rest for now. I will let you know when the slots are all filled in. Also, I will increase the security around here," he said.

Alex nodded. He wondered if it was time to let 'Alex' die and live as 'Yu Ming'.

'No, I have way too much going on as Alex to disappear right now,' he thought. 'Father won't find me if I'm gone.'

Alex went to his room with the thoughts still in his head. He couldn't get it out of his head that there was someone out there that wanted him dead.

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