
Meteor Shower

Alex walked towards the Tiger Sect with many thoughts running in his mind. The main thought obviously was the fact that his home was in the same world as the game.

'So it was never 2 different worlds. We were just… isolated,' he thought. It was not that dissimilar to the situation of the Crimson Empire itself. 

'Isolation from the rest of the world, huh? I wonder how we turned out so differently compared to the Crimson Empire. The technological improvement we have had for years is better than anything the mortals of the Crimson Empire could ever make,' he thought.

He wanted to know what his future was like now. Hao Ya had told him to wait for 30 years. He was told to just sit tight and cultivate. 

So what if he did that? Would waiting 30 or 40  years to go back home even be worth it? What would he even do at that time? What would any of them even do at that time? 

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