

Something suddenly grabbed Alex's leg. "What?" he looked down to see that it was a vine expending from the bottom of the right wall. 


He didn't waste any time and cut it immediately before walking forward. However, in the next step, there were two vines. One that grabbed his left leg and another that grabbed his right arm. 

Alex pulled out the vine on his arm and cut away the one on his legs. However, after moving one-step move, 3 vines grabbed him. 

Then 4, then 5. No matter how much he pulled, every next step, there was another vine added to the pile that pulled at him. Thankfully, he had a strong body and a sword, so he cut all the vines as he moved forward. 


A man with a spear saw that his leg was grabbed by a vine. He stabbed the spear in the vine and cut it away. But then, he took another step, and 2 more vines appeared. 


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