Down at the ground where the old man and the 5 young people were staying at,
The old man watched the ship fly off into the distance with his crafty eyes and made an angry smile.
"Tsk, that young girl is too crafty. She saw through my ruse too easily," he said. He shook his head and looked at the blood on the ground.
"Sigh, I worked so hard to gather the beasts. You could've at least stopped the young man for a few moments if not for a minute," he said. His eyes would have hints of irritation whenever he remembered the young man's face behind the young woman.
"Tsk, I'm getting annoyed again," he thought.
He looked back at the 5 young people and looked at their shivering figures. "Stop shivering for one second," he shouted at them. That only made them shiver harder.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: