
Free Apartment

"You wanna ride that?" Hannah asked hesitantly while looking at a big Ferris wheel in front of her.

"Yeah, Hannah, let's ride that. Alex, you should ride that as well. Have you been on a Ferris wheel that big?" Hannah's friend, Vinny asked.

"No. We occasionally had a small one during the fairs, but those were like half the size of these," Alex said.

"Alright then, come on. It's my treat anyway," said Vinny as she dragged both of them along.

Vinny and Hannah were roommates that rented an apartment together. She had recently completed university, so she was leaving the city next week. So, as a sort of farewell party, she had decided to take Hannah to the amusement park. When she mentioned that she had a cousin in town that might also want to come to one, she had allowed Hannah to invite Alex.


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